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  3. FibEnTech 2021
  4. Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Ficheiro com o nome: banner-01-01

Publications and indexing

The papers/posters presented at the conference will be published in the online proceedings after a reviewing process carried out by the Scientific Committee. Online proceedings will be prepared by the Knowledge E (KnE) Publishing Conference Services, which is a publishing partner and regional ambassador for both Crossref and ORCID, and members of OASPA and The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers.

Conference papers/posters will be available worldwide and will be indexed to the following databases: Google Scholar, Web of Science, EBSCO, ROAD, 1Science, Microsoft Academic, Scientific Electronic Library, Semantic Scholar, Dimensions, WorldCat Discovery service, UnPaywall, Ulrichsweb, Scilit, OpenAIRE, WorldWideScience and Directory of Research Journal Indexing.


Abstract and paper submission

For extended abstract submission use the template below and email it to:


The extended abstract must have a maximum of 3 pages including: title, authors, identifications, keywords, introduction, methods, results, conclusions and references.


For paper submission and poster submission use the templates below and email it to:


The papers and posters must have a maximum of 8 pages including: title, authors, identifications, keywords, introduction and objectives, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements, and references.

Papers presentations will be previously recorded by authors in a template provided by the organization for a time limit of 20 minutes. Poster presentation will have the same format, but for a presentation of 5 minutes.



For paper and poster presentation use the template below:


After 20th November 2021 (date for notification of acceptance of papers and posters), the organizing committee will contact the authors by e-mail for video presentation recording. Video presentation and congress sessions will be broadcast live using a streaming platform.

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