Team Recognition

In 2022, the main achievements of the RAD Research Group were:

a) As part of a worldwide network, using digital monitoring (mHealth) in rhinitis and asthma, we showed that: i) mHealth can effectively monitor disease control and its daily impact, using new, reliable cut-off values for patient-reported outcomes []; []; []; ii) mHealth can reliably allow analysis of evolution of disease symptoms []; iii) novel disease phenotypes can be detected using cluster analysis of mHealth data []; []; iv) mhealth can reliably analyse drug usage and clinical efficacy []; [] [].
b) As part of study of the exposome novel evidences were gathered: i) exposure to air pollution can significantly worsen asthma and COPD, and low pollution or allergen environments can improve disease control [][]; ii) exposure to helminths may worsen asthma in children [].

Prizes and Awards

- SPAIC-ASTRAZENECA 2022 Prize, awarded to the project entitled"PAAI-Interactive and Online Self-Learning programme for people with asthma: protocol for co-creation and impact assessment", in October 2022. This is an ongoing project, which resulted from a partnership with the ConectAR initiative, of CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.

CICS-UBI - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde
[Health Sciences Research Center]
Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde
Av. Infante D. Henrique | 6201-506 Covilhã | Portugal

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