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Philosophy of Religion

Code 5949
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Philosophy
Mode of delivery Theoretical-practical and presential teaching.
Work placements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes Identify and discuss the morphology of the religious phenomenon and the fundamental categories of religious experience. On the other hand, in the historical context of Western culture (Greek, Jewish and Christian), be able to relate those categories with the rise of modern philosophy of religion. At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. locate the authors studied the space, time and historical context;
2. argue the term "Religon" and "Philosophy of Religion";
3. analyze an excerpt from a work of each author studied, and elaborate on it a little text;
4. demonstrate ability to define concepts and terms such as "myth" "rite", "symbol", "hierophany", "revealed religion vs. natural religion", "Superstition", "Reformation", "religious experience", "alienation", "phenomenology of religion".
Syllabus I. TOWARDS A PHENOMENOLOGY OF RELIGION. The notions of religion and religious phenomenon. The universality, uniqueness and irreducibility of religious experience. The hierophany and demarcation of space, time and action: Sacred-profane polarity as the essence of the religious universe. Terminological clarification of the notions of myth, symbol and ritual. Religion in the face of philosophy.

II. PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION. A) Modern Philosophy of Religion as philosophical reinterpretation of Judaism and Christianity; B) The Protestant Reformation and turning to believer subjectivity; C) The broken dialectic between Descartes (raison, cogito) and Pascal (sentiment, belief); D) Espinosa: salvation by Reason; E) I. Kant: a 'religion within the limits of pure reason "; F) Young Hegel's theological-political hermeneutics of the religion. G) Nietzsche: from the "death of God" to the "Genealogy of Morals."

CONCLUSION - Thinking God after Nietzsche and Auschwitz.
Main Bibliography ELIADE Mircea, O Mito do Eterno Retorno, Lisboa, Ed.70, 1993
ELIADE Mircea, O Sagrado e o Profano, (trd. port. de R. Fernandes), Lisboa, Ed. Livros do Brasil, [s.d.]
FRAIJÓ Manuel (Ed.), Filosofía de la religión, Madrid, Trotta, Madrid, 1994
KOLAKOWSKI Leslek, Philosophie de la religion, Paris, Fayard, 1985
LUBAC Henri de, O Drama do Humanismo Ateu, Porto, Porto Editora, 1964
OTTO Rudolf, O Sagrado, Lisboa, Ed. 70, [s.d.]
ROSA José Maria Silva (em col.), “Religião”, in Verbo. Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Cultura – Edição Séc. XXI, vol. 25, Lisboa, Verbo, 2003, cols. 10-53.
SCHAEFFLER Richard, Filosofia da Religião, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1992

n.b. The texts of modern philosophers will be provided during the teaching
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2012-05-14

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