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Marketing Research

Código 14028
Ano 3
Semestre S1
Créditos ECTS 6
Carga Horária TP(30H)
Área Científica Marketing
Objectivos de Aprendizagem Learning to do Marketing Research. Students will learn how to do Marketing Research.
Specific objectives are to define a Marketing Research Problem; to know the several alternatives of Research designs, and to select the most appropriate to each situation; to master measurement in Marketing; to collect data while assuring the study validity.
Conteúdos programáticos 1. Introduction
2. Definition of a Research Problem
3. Study design
4. Measurement
5. Collecting information
Bibliografia principal Malhotra, Naresh K. (2019), Marketing Research - An Applied Approach (7th Ed), Pearson Education Limited, ISBN: 978-01347348
Língua Português
Data da última atualização: 2023-01-16
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