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  4. Water Supply and Drainage Systems

Water Supply and Drainage Systems

Code 10294
Year 3
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(30H)/T(30H)
Scientific area Hidráulica e Ambiente
Entry requirements Students should have knowledge of hydraulics.
Mode of delivery Face-to-face - Lectures (T) and laboratory classes (PL)
Work placements None
Learning outcomes Objectives:
Provide students with knowledge in the fields of drinking water supply and wastewater drainage, enabling them to design, operation and maintenance of water and wastewater networks and infrastructure.

(a) Mastery of the design and dimensioning of adductor pipelines and reservoirs;
(b) Mastery of design, operation and modeling of public water distribution networks;
(c) Mastery of design, operation and modeling of public wastewater drainage networks;
(d) Understanding the design and operation of building water supply networks and building wastewater and rainwater drainage networks.
Syllabus 1. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: Basis for water supply projects. Water supply systems. Reservoirs. Sizing of adductor pipelines and reservoirs. Accessories. Economic study of adduction systems.

2. PUBLIC WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS: Types of networks. Traced in plan and in profile. Sizing criteria. Calculation of networks by the HardyCross method. Accessories. Network modeling using EPANET software.

3. PUBLIC WASTEWATER DRAINAGE NETWORKS: Types of networks. Traced in plan. Hydraulic-sanitary sizing criteria. Drawing in longitudinal profile. Modeling of drainage networks using the SWWM software.

4. BUILDING WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER AND RAINWATER DRAINAGE NETWORKS: Design of building networks for water supply, wastewater drainage and rainwater drainage. Elements of the networks. Sizing and calculation criteria.
Main Bibliography - DGRN (1991). Manual de Saneamento Básico (MSB2) - Abastecimento de Água e Drenagem de Esgoto. Direcção Geral dos Rec. Naturais, Lisboa, 1991.
- DR 23/95 (1995). Regulamento Geral de Sistemas Públicos e Prediais de Distribuição de Água e Drenagem de Águas Residuais. Ministério das Obras Públicas, Transporte e Comunicações, Lisboa.
- Pedroso V. (2007). Manual dos Sistemas Prediais de Distribuição e Drenagem de Águas. 3ª Edição. LNEC, Lisboa.
- Other written material given by teacher.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-21

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