Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Not applicable.
Mode of delivery |
Work placements |
Learning outcomes |
The objective of this curricular unit is that students: Apply and integrate the knowledge through the design of an individual research project proposal in Biochemistry integrated into research units from UBI or companies Develop the capacity of initiative and autonomy under the guidance of a tutor At the end of the course the student should be able to ... - Describe the scientific methodology needed to answer a scientific problem; - Assess, decide, select and apply methods and theories to solve theoretical and practical problems; - Integrate knowledge of Biochemistry and interdisciplinary; - Choosing the most appropriate experimental methods to verify a hypothesis or the verification of an analysis; - Communicate and discuss specific problems and solutions. - Build and support arguments in the context of biochemistry
Syllabus |
1. The methodology in scientific research. 1.1 Scientific Journals, indexation and metrics. 1.2 Scientific Communication 2.Theoretical construction of a research project in an biochemistry area.
Main Bibliography |
Scientific papers of the proposed project. Scientific Databases (ISI Web of Knowledge; Pubmed)
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
In the first part of the teaching-learning activities, students attend lectures on the scientific methodology in research. The second part of the activities takes place in a tutorial environment in which the student develops his project with the accompaniment of a tutor, which allows systematic communication from knowledge to the final writing of the research proposal to be carried out. Tutors also guide students' work in the organizational aspect and in motivating students to participate in seminars that take place at the Health Sciences Research Center at UBI.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.