Syllabus |
Part 1. Introduction to Social Sciences - Epistemological issues: the evolution of thought - from religion to science. - a global perspective of the social sciences: theories and social practices. - methods and techniques of social sciences.
Part 2. Interdisciplinary approach (Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology) - nature & culture: Man as a bio-psycho-social-cultural/religious unit - psychology and spirituality: neurotheology - social sciences, religion and healing practices - case studies: religion, health, traditional medicine, suicide.
Main Bibliography |
Annandale, Ellen (2014). The Sociology of Health and Medicine: a critical introduction. Cambridge, Polity Press. Giddens, Anthony (2013). Sociologia. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Cap. 10 “Suicídio, doença e deficiência”, pp. 430-479. Hunt, Elgin & Colander, David (2017). Social Science: an introduction to the study of society. New York: Routledge. Cap. 1, “Social Science and its methods”, pp. 01-22. Laplantine, François (1991). Antropologia da Doença. São Paulo, Martins Fontes. Margaça, Clara; Rodrigues, Donizete (2019). “Espiritualidade e resiliência na adultez e velhice: uma revisão”. Fractal: Revista de Psicologia, Niterói, v. 31, n. 2, p. 150-157. Rodrigues, Donizete (2023). Introdução às Ciências Sociais. Covilhã, UBI (texto de apoio). Rodrigues, Donizete (2023). “Xamãs, Bruxas e Pastores: a dimensão religiosa no processo de cura”. Análise Social, vol. 3, nº 248, pp.