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Advanced Studies in Marketing

Code 9824
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 8
Workload TP(24H)
Scientific area Marketing e Estratégia
Entry requirements NA
Learning outcomes Teaching objectives

Advanced Marketing Studies is one of the units of scientific deepening of themes relevant to the area of Marketing and Strategy. It aims to provide students with exposure, confrontation, critical analysis and verification of Marketing theory, basing the development of skills on solid theoretical foundations.

Learning outcomes

- Identify the philosophical perspective, concepts and theories that support the scientific area of marketing;
- Describe the marketing theory and its relationship with the company;
- Describe the evolution of marketing and its adaptation to the evolution of economic activity and society.
Syllabus 1. What is marketing?
2. Historical development of marketing;
3. Marketing concepts;
4. Construction of the theory;
5. Theory and research;
6. Marketing and science;
7. Theoretical paradigms;
8. Philosophy and marketing;
9. The scientific realism;
10. Perspectives in contemporary marketing.
Main Bibliography Bagozzi,Richard P. “A Prospectus for theory construction in marketing” Journal of Marketing, Vol.48(Winter1994)11-29.

Bartles, Robert “The Identity Crisis in Marketing” Journal of Marketing, October 1974.

Deshpande, Rohit “ Paradigms Lost”: On Theory and Method in Research in Marketing Journal of Marketing (pre – 1986):Fall 1983;47. ABI/INFORM Global.

Fullerton, Ronald A. “How Modern is Modern Marketing? Marketing’s Evolution and the Myth of the Production Era” Journal of Marketing. Vol 52 (January 1988), 108-125.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-10-31

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