Research Interests
Samuel Silvestre holds a Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (since June 2002) and a PhD in Pharmacy, with specialization in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (since May 2007) After a Community Pharmacy experience, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Health Sciences Research Centre (CICS), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã. Since March 2008 he is an integrated researcher member at CICS, and since July 2009 he is also Assistant Professor at the same Faculty.
Over the years, his main scientific interests have been Medicinal Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Pharmaco-toxicology and has been mainly working on the design, chemical synthesis and biological evaluation of steroidal and non-steroidal aromatic/heterocyclic compounds. He published several papers in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters mainly covering organic, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry subjects. In addition he participated as a researcher in the registering of 4 Portuguese patents and has several communications at scientific meetings and participated as team member in 6 founded projects. At present he is supervising/co-supervising several MSc and PhD students.
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