This structural program is aimed at students, researchers, and technical staff, both at CICS-UBI and nationally as well as internationally:
• to provide training on different areas of interest for scientific development, laboratory use or safety;
• to collaborate in the organization of the internships/ exchange programs;
• to facilitate liaison with students or future researchers outside the center and welcome them upon arrival;
• to organize workshops on career development.
Coordination: Adriana O. Santos, Diana Costa, and Susana Ferreira
Other team members: Ângela Sousa, Ângelo Luís, Olga Lourenço, António Mendonça, Marília Figueira, Ana Margarida Vale
Training at CICS-UBI
• Training of young researchers / short training
Young Researcher Training integrates all researchers who develop their research project at CICS-UBI, whether students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle of studies, as well as integrated masters, collaborators, research fellows, or interns within the work dynamics and good practices of CICS-UBI [regulation v.2019].
An intensive training program will take place in July. A short training program will be available at the beginning of each semester to welcome new students, fellows or researchers whose contract begins after the intensive program held in July.
• Other training activities: Other training activities in safety and specific laboratory use.
Collaboration with internship programs
• Ciência Viva Program
These summer internships are aimed at high school students, who can learn more about this activity and submit their application here.
• International (IFMSA, IPSFl) and national exchange programs
Internships can be developed at CIC-UBI in the framework of the international scientific exchange of medical and pharmaceutical students. Internships in the framework of collaboration with institutions of the region are made upon request.
• BeInLab
Collaboration in internships directed to medical students at CICS-UBI with a maximum duration of 2 weeks, allowing the student’s contact with research, deepening their theoretical knowledge and the development and training of technical skills in the laboratory, while training students in writing and interpreting scientific articles and implementing the scientific method.
Organization of visits to CICS-UBI
Institutional presentation and guided tours to the CICS-UBI are aimed at students from the 1st, 2nd or 3rd cycle of studies, from UBI or other institutions, upon request. Tours can be scheduled for the months of December or March.
Career development workshops
Workshops towards career development, grant writing, analytical and writing skills, funding options, soft skills, networking, international partnerships, professional research skills, personal effectiveness, teaching and learning to encourage and support all researchers, Pos-graduation students, Post Docs, Early Career Researchers, staff Research Assistants/Seniors.