Interaction with Academia
Like other CICS-UBI’s Research Groups, H&M also provides training for master and doctoral students from the UBI courses of medicine, biomedicine and pharmaceutical sciences. In 2022, approximately 16 master and 17 doctoral students carried out their research projects within the group.
Regarding interaction with other Academia institutions, H&M collaborates with the University of Coimbra (namely with the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology), the Instituto Superior de Engenharia of Porto, University of Algarve (CCMAR Research Centre), or NOVA University of Lisbon (UCIBIO Research Centre), among others.
Knowledge Transfer actions and Clinical interactions
The H&M group has a strong interaction with all major Portuguese hospitals with the aim of studying patients with endocrine and hormone-related disorders. The H&M group is a national reference for the study of rare genetic endocrine disorders and provides genetic diagnostic services for clinical centres across the country. Furthermore, H&M collaborates with the Portuguese Institute of Oncology and other clinical centres, in the study of hormone-dependent cancers such as prostate and breast cancer.
Outreach activities (Interaction with Society)
World Cancer Day. Roundtable to discuss cancer from different perspectives in the research field. Faculty of Health Sciences, Covilhã, 4-2-2022 (various researchers)
“Hipotiroidismo e suplementação de iodo na gravidez”, Centro de Saúde da Covilhã, 19-4-2022 (Manuel Lemos)
“Diabetes tipo MODY: A perspetiva do geneticista”, Reunião do Grupo de Estudos da Diabetes Mellitus, Sociedade
Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo. Aveiro, 7-10-2022 (Manuel Lemos)
CICS-UBI Out of Doors: World Diabetes Day 2022 - “Diabetes o que é? Avanços no conhecimento desta doença nos últimos 10 anos", Covilhã 14-11-2022 (Manuel Lemos)
Interaction with Governance
Manuel Lemos is a member of the Board of Medical Specialists in Endocrinology (Direção do Colégio da Especialidade de Endocrinologia, Ordem dos Médicos).
Sílvia Socorro is a Member of the Management Committee of the COST Action “CA18124 European Sexual Medicine Network”. (2018-ongoing)
Collaboration with Sidra Medicine, Translational Medicine Division (Dr. Luís Saraiva). Project: “The molecular and genetic basis of pituitary hormone deficiencies” (Clinical Research Challenge Grants, Ref SDR2000592019) (Sidra Medicine intramural funding 745,455 QAR ~190,000 euros) (2019-ongoing) (Manuel Lemos)
Joint supervision of PhD student (Ana Ribeiro, FCT scholar) between Manuel Lemos (CICS-UBI) and Luís Saraiva (Sidra Medicine, Qatar). The student developed part of her research at this institution from 1-1-2022 to 31-12-2022.