Outreach Activities

The CICS-UBI science communication and education strategy encompasses activities for schools, talks, workshops, seminars, exhibitions in scientific events, newspapers articles, and public outreach using the CICS-UBI social networks.

CICS-UBI participates annually on international and national events, such as the:

• Brain Awareness Week
Different types of contributions characterize the involvement of CICS-UBI in the Brain Awareness week, which is promoted by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and organized in Portugal by the Portuguese Neurosciences Society and “Ciência Viva.” This includes the participation of schools, patients associations, health professionals, and researchers.

World Cancer Day 
CICS-UBI participates in this global event that takes place every year on 4 February with the aim to save preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about the disease and pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action. Different types of activities have been implemented over the years involving schools, patients associations, health professionals and cancer researchers.

• Science and Technology Week
Every year, during one week, CICS-UBI participates in diverse activities for different publics of all ages, communicating and disseminating the research carried out at our research centre.

• “Ciência Viva” in the Laboratory
Also in commitment to the engagement of young people to science and research, CICS-UBI has been developing Summer Vacation Training initiatives in collaboration with the “Ciência Viva” programme.

• European Researchers' Night
An event that aims to boosts public awareness of the decisive role of research in society, especially among young people, which takes place every year in the last Friday of September simultaneously in more than 300 European cities.

European Obesity Day 
Some educational activities are developed to raise awareness and increase knowledge about obesity and the many other diseases on which it impacts.

• International Microorganism Day 
CICS-UBI also promotes awareness to public health, infectious diseases and day-to-day impact of microorganisms by providing informal lectures, ludic-scientific and laboratory activities to the scholar population, as well as, scientific and technical seminars.

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CICS-UBI - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde
[Health Sciences Research Center]
Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde
Av. Infante D. Henrique | 6201-506 Covilhã | Portugal

Tel.: 275 329 002/3 — Fax: 275 329 099
(Calls made to the phone numbers in this page will be charged as a Portuguese nacional call.)
Email: cics@fcsaude.ubi.pt
GPS: N 40°16'6.33" W 7°29'39.13" (40.268425; -7.494202)

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