Rules for Microscopy Unit Users

1. Use the following link to book the microscopes. For new users, the first microscope sessions must be attended by one of the CICS-UBI Fluorescence Microscopy Unit responsibles. You should send an email asking for training with the following information: Name, Degree, Supervisor or PI, Microscope, Sample type, Date of the training.

2. Users must have a valid reservation in the Agendo’s booking system before using it.

3. Users must only use their own booked time.

4. Users must follow the Turn ON and Turn OFF procedures for each system. When in doubt, please contact the CICS-UBI Fluorescence Microscopy Unit.

5. Booking changes must be made before the period scheduled. When cancelling a reservation, users must warn the previous user or shutdown the system themselves.

6. It is forbidden to use USB Flash drives and to modify or install software on microscope computers.

7. It is not permitted to wear lab gloves when using the microscopes.

8. If you find a problem or evidence of incorrect usage of a microscope, immediately contact the CICS-UBI Fluorescence Microscopy Unit responsibles.

9. Exceptions to these rules require approval from the CICS-UBI Fluorescence Microscopy Unit responsibles.

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