
Fernando Aguilar Arosa [Ficheiro Local]

Fernando Aguilar Arosa

Research Interests

My research interests focus on the characterization of the basic molecular cues that regulate the formation of human NK-like CD8+CD28- T cells and the elucidation of their possible role in tissue repair and in healthy aging. I am also interested in clarifying the origin and function of open HLA class I conformers, molecules expressed under stress/injury conditions by immune and non-immune cells, namely their involvement in cell communication and regulation of growth, survival, differentiation and proliferation of normal and malignant cells. These research interests are being carried out in articulation with the study of chronic inflammatory disorders of different aetiology.

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CICS-UBI - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde
[Health Sciences Research Center]
Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde
Av. Infante D. Henrique | 6201-506 Covilhã | Portugal

Tel.: 275 329 002/3 — Fax: 275 329 099
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