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  4. Spanish Literature I - from the Origins till La Celestina

Spanish Literature I - from the Origins till La Celestina

Code 12348
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Literaturas
Entry requirements There are not. It is recommended, however, to have a level of elementary competence in the Spanish language.
Mode of delivery Face-to-face, supported in Moodle. Spanish Language.
Work placements It doesn't apply.
Learning outcomes In this first approach to literature conveyed in Castilian Language, which embrace the so-called ‘middle ages’, the aim is to be acquainted with some literary productions, canonized by traditional historiography, and therefore considered to be central to that period.
-Use and define basic concepts for literary studies in general, and for that frame time in particular;
-Recognize and describe literary trends of the period;
-Identify, understand and discuss literary fragments, representative of the time, taking into account its context of production;
-Prove maturity, accurateness and ability to develop and express personal (not subjective) ideas;
-Use honestly and appropriately others’ thoughts;
-Relate, from an interdisciplinary point of view, other acquired knowledge or skills.
Syllabus I. Preliminary elucidations (Medieval? Spanish? Literature?). HIstory of literature and national identity construction. Basic notions (metrics, genres, usual periodization, etc.). Overview: from the ‘fall of Rome’ to the crisis of the 14th 15th c. and the “disintegration of the medieval world”.
II. Epic poetry: ‘mester de juglaría’. “Cantar de Mío Cid”.
III. ‘Mester de juglaría’. “Libro de Alexandre”, Berceo and the “Milagros de Nuestra Señora”. The ‘cuaderna vía’ in 14st c.: the “Libro de Buen Amor”, a twilight milestone. The ‘juglaría-clerecía’ dichotomy: contact points. Other poetic forms.
IV. Origins and evolution of the Castilian prose until the 14th c. Referential prose, translations, fictional prose. The king Alfonso X. Juan Manuel and the “Conde Lucanor”.
*V. Traditional lyric/lyric-narrative poetry, orally transmitted. Since the first lyric texts to the ballads or ‘romances’. ‘Kharjas’, ‘cantigas’ and ‘villancicos’. Relations between oral and written poetry.
Main Bibliography 1. Blanco Aguinaga et al. (2000). 'Historia social de la literatura española'. Akal, vol. I.
From Moodle platform ( the students will have access to required readings, although it is recommended to attain and use comprehensive editions of (some of) the works in book form.
2. See Moodle for further reading, additional resources and more.

N. B. (attention, please): Both the classes and the texts are in Spanish, so students are recommended to have sufficient receptive competence in that language.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria See the Portuguese version.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-09-26

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