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Spanish B1.1 / B1.2

Code 12349
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Línguas Estrangeiras
Entry requirements Do not exist.
Mode of delivery Theoretical/practical lessons.
Work placements Don't exist.
Learning outcomes Reach level B1 of the CEF taking on account two specific aspects:
1) the specificity of the teaching Spanish to Portuguese speakers ( related language users).
2) The formation not only to Spanish speakers but for teachers of Spanish as L2 in Portugal.

Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Syllabus Contents
Phonological-orthographic contents [a – i]
-Accentuation of composted words
-Other cases of oral accentuation: police E =/= police P, etc.
-Revisão: ditongos, tritongos and hiatos
Principal rules of accentuation
Diacritic accent and accentuation of interrogatives and exclamatives

Morphosyntatic contes
-direct complement
-indirect complement (double OI)
-position of pronouns
-The verb:
-Pluperfect Past
-or future:
-temporary future markers
-contrast between future simple and the periphrasis go to + infinitive
-Passive voice
-periphrases volver a, empezar a + infinitivo
-periphrases acabar de + infinitivo
-periphrases tener que + infinitivo
-Review first year: imperative, vowel alternation, present irregular, indefinite and markers, imperfect markers, perfect markers, indefinite versus perfect, past tense verb exercises, participles, verb exercises, preposition
Main Bibliography 1-REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA & ASOCIACIÓN DE ACADEMIAS DE LA LENGUA ESPAÑOLA. (2010):Manual de Gramática española. 1ªed. Madrid: Espasa Libros.
-GÓMEZ TORREGO, Leonardo (2002): Gramática didáctica del español, Madrid: Ediciones SM.
-FERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ, R. (1999): Prácticas de gramática española para hablantes de portugués. Madrid: Arco Libros
-GOZALO, Paula (2000): Los tiempos del pasado de indicativo. Madrid: Edinumen.
2-BRIONES, Ana Isabel (2001): Dificultades de la lengua española para hispanohablantes. Nivel Avanzado. Madrid.
-SARMIENTO, Ramón (1999): Manual de corrección gramatical y de estilo. Madrid: SGEL.
-RAE (2010): Ortografía de la lengua española. Madrid: RAE
-NÁÑEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Emilio (2002): Uso de las preposiciones. Madrid: SGEL.
-PALOMINO, María Ángeles (2001): Tiempo para conjugar. Madrid: Edelsa.
-POCH OLIVÉ, Dolors (1999): Fonética para aprender español: Pronunciación. Madrid: Edinumen
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Will be proposed various activities appropriate level, covering all the basic language skills. It will promote autonomy in learning and the acquisition of strategic skills.
The classes are theoretical and practical and is based on ongoing dialogue between teacher and students, in grammar and vocabulary exercises, discussion sessions or exchange of views / experiences, and screened hearings (music, short films, news, commercials ...), reading / writing of texts, etc.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-01-14

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