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Francês A1

Code 12374
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 3
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Letras
Entry requirements Candidates must be over 16 years old.
Learning outcomes The program is aimed at beginner students with little or no knowledge of French. It aims at developing three competences: comprehension (oral and reading) of simple statements aimed at meeting concrete needs, orality (through interaction and oral production) and writing using familiar and everyday expressions. It aims at leading the student to reach the A1 level according to the descriptors of the Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages.
Syllabus 1-Grammatical contents: the alphabet, the masculine and the feminine as well as the singular and plural of names and adjectives, concordance of names and adjectives, adjectives of nationality, names of profession, phonetics and accentuation, correspondence between sounds and the verbs ending in "er", the pronominal conjugation, the verbs/auxiliaries "être" and "avoir", the verbs ending in "ir", the verbs ending in "re" and "oir", "vouvoiement" and "tutoiement", personal pronouns, “réfléchis”, relative, "toniques", "réciproques", interrogative, exclamatives pronouns, demonstrative, possessive adjectives, definite and indefinite articles, the “partitifs” articles, the use of articles, the verbal construction of the “futur proche”, the verbal tense of the “passé composé”, the verbal tense of the “impératif présent”, the date and time, the comparison, the expression of quantity, prepositions and adverbs of place, the verbs expressing a displacement and the "imparfait de l'indicatif".
Main Bibliography 1. Adopted manual
Girardet, J., Pécheur, J., Écho A1- Méthode de Français, 2.e édition, Cle International/Sejer,
Paris, 2013.

2. Other manuals
Girardet, J., Pécheur, J., Écho A1 - Méthode de Français,- Cahier personnel d’apprentissage,
2.e édition Cle International/Sejer, Paris, 2013.

Barfety, M. & Beaujoin, P. Compréhension orale, niveau 1, Paris, Cle International, 2004.

Barfety, M. & Beaujoin, P. Expression orale, niveau 1, Paris, Cle International, 2004.

3. Grammars
Grégoire, M., Grammaire progressive du Français (niveau débutant), Porto Editora et Cle
International, Tours, 2006.

4. Dictionaries and handbooks
Dictionnaire Le Robert de Poche 2019, Le Robert, Paris, mai 2018.
Dicionário académico Francês/Português - Português/Francês, Porto editora, 2016.

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Classes: 25% (with a mandatory 75% attendance)
Active participation (expressing oneself and interacting) as well as carrying out the proposed exercises;
Mini-Test Assessment: 3%
It follows the structure of the Final Assessment Test (oral comprehension, language functioning, written expression and oral expression);
Oral comprehension test: 22%
After reading a text (performed twice), an information sheet must be filled out and the proposed statements are true or false;
Oral expression test: 25%
Express yourself according to indications;
Written test: 25%
Language functioning (grammatical exercises) 15% and written expression (composition) 10%.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-02-07

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