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Mechanics and Waves

Code 13906
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload T(30H)/TP(30H)
Scientific area Physics
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes Students that complete this course should be able to describe physical phenomena in Mechanics:
1. Be able to distinguish and describe several types of motions, knowing the principles and laws of the dynamics of a particle and system of particles. Including conservation laws of linear and angular momentum,
2. Understand the energy concepts, the work done by forces, the conservation of Mechanic energy and its dissipation by non conservative forces.
3. Have acquired basics skills in identifying fluids motions types and some intrinsic concepts as trajectories, streamlines, energy equations balance.
4. Have acquired basics skills in elasticity concepts
5. Must be able to propose and justify strategies using basic research techniques or other methods.
6. Must have acquired adequate capacity for synthesis.
Syllabus Sistemas de unidades. Cinemática. Leis de Newton. Trabalho. Energia potencial. Conservação da energia mecânica. Centro de massa. Colisões. Momento de uma força e momento de inércia. Momento angular. Gravidade. Leis de Kepler. Lei da gravitação de Newton. Equilíbrio estático e elasticidade. Tensão e deformação. Fluidos. Pressão num fluido. Impulsão e princípio de Arquimedes. Hidrostática. Equação de Bernoulli. Escoamento viscoso. Lei de Poiseuille. Número de Reynolds. Oscilações. Ondas transversais e ondas longitudinais. Reflexão. Refracção. Difracção. Sobreposição de ondas e ondas estacionárias.
Main Bibliography Physics, (1992), 4th Resnick, Halliday and Krane, vol1
Halliday, D.; Resnick, R.; Walker, J. (2001) Fundamentals of physics, 6th EditionJohn Wiley & Sons Inc., New York
Tipler, P.A. ; Mosca G.P. (2004) Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 5th edition, W.H. Freeman, New York.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2020-07-22

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