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  4. Seminar in Forms and Dynamics of the Territory

Seminar in Forms and Dynamics of the Territory

Code 15055
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 7,5
Workload OT(3H)/S(9H)/T(3H)/TP(6H)
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes
The teacher responsible for the Course Different launched the several research and classes topics. From these themes, we address and understand the issues of research in Forms and dynamics of the territory. Theese introduce the concepts, questions, methods and research tools in Forms and Dynamics of Territory. The aim is to foster critical effectiveness, implementing, structuring, formatting and bibliographic organizing for the presentation of scientific works. Rigor is obligatory; through the understanding and application of relevant research methodologies and techniques in the specific field. The research to be developed can have a theoretical nature as well as a practical basis, in which, the forms and dynamics of territory are assumed as the mains focus. In summary, the main objective is to prepare properly qualified researchers on the architectural subject of forms of the territory.

Syllabus The contents are defined in the architectural scientific domain of the forms and dynamics of the territory with an interdisciplinary approach. The aim is to encourage academic and autonomous research through the relationship between a theoretical corpus and investigation procedures. The topics to be addressed are situated in the research by design from the forms of architectural objects, the city and the territory. Instrumental architectural research by design analyzed from objects to the hierarchical networks for the territory, its morphological and historical context, to its socio-environmental and social matrix taken as reasons of the cities shapes. In this sense, several themes are approached, namely; from plans, master-plans and mat-buildings to campus and territory planning. From urbanism to landscape with solutions based on nature and water reuse, to humanitarian and sustainable architecture, all elements of research for architectural and environmental valorization.
Main Bibliography AYMONINO, Carlo - EI Significado de Ias Ciudades: 1981 Blume Ediciones, Madrid, 1981 [1ª ed.1975].
BUXTON, Michael, BUTT, Andrew – The Future of the Fringe: The Crisis in Peri-Urban Planning. CSIRO, 2020
DELLE DONNE, Marcella - Teorias sobre a Cidade: 1983 Edições 70, Lisboa, 1983. [1ª ed.italiana 1979]
LYNCH, Kevin - A Imagem da Cidade 1960 Edições 70, Lisboa, 1982.
GOITIA, Fernando Chueca - Breve História do Urbanismo. Editorial Presença, Lisboa, 1982
HOCH, Charles – Pragmatic Spatial Planning: Practical Theory for Professionals. Routledge, New York, 2019
ROSSI, Aldo - Arquitectura da Cidade. 1966 Cosmos, Lisboa, 1985
ROGERS, Dallas, KEANE, Adrienne, ALIZADEH, Tooran, NELSON,– Understanding Urbanism. Springer Nature Singapore, 2020
SOLA-MORALES - Terrain Vague, em Territórios, Editorial Gustavo Gili, SA, Barcelona, 2002 Kraus, Rosalind, (1995),
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The contents will be exposed using available materials, analogical or digital. Programs are discussed in an exploratory way, using disciplinary tools and guest PhD lecturers that allow theoretical debate and critical reflection. The assessment consists in the appreciation of exercises concerning the summary and critical commentary of matters of the forms and dynamics of the territory. The assessment will take into account the argumentation and reasoning, analysis and critical reflection on the subject exposed. The work will have a written and oral component, both parameters being evaluated. The student must demonstrate relevant participation in all the debates and exercises proposed. It should be possible to assess the degree of development and progression, considering the stated objectives. The U.C. is a continuous assessment without exam, as such, the approval will be obtained exclusively through the TP and OT component and the work/exercises done. Mandatory attendance of 80%
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-26

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