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  4. Contemporary Philosophy

Contemporary Philosophy

Code 15568
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Philosophy
Entry requirements .
Learning outcomes The program of this Unit aims to identify and problematize the dominant vectors of philosophical contemporaneity, circumscribing a field of action that, despite the mobility of its borders, can legitimately call "its own". In doing so, this Unit promotes expertise in the main problems and authors of Contemporary Philosophy and fosters a simultaneously angular and deep understanding of its fundamental texts, establishing, in the meantime, relevant connections with other areas of knowledge. At the end of this Unit, students should have developed the following skills:
a) To autonomously manage the vast conceptual apparatus used in the space of Contemporary Philosophy;
b) Assess the relevance and validity of the issues raised in the contemporary world, articulating, whenever necessary, the philosophical singularity of this period with the other periods in the History of Philosophy;
c) Establish productive and philosophically relevant dialogues with other areas of knowledge.
Syllabus a)Chronological-theoretical delimitation of philosophical contemporaneity: the historical-chronological and the genetic landmarks. Contemporaneity understood as a specific metric and its relationship with the other vector called actuality.The dominant features of the contemporary philosophical paradigm;
b)The space of philosophical contemporaneity thought under the sign of a double absence: syncretism as philosophical project and the idea of “crisis” as singularizing marks of contemporary thought. A panoramic look at Contemporary Philosophy;
c)Phenomenology as a key reconfiguration and reorganization project of all twentieth-century thought. The meaning of the task of phenomenology as a theory of knowledge: the theme of transcendence as a central problem in phenomenology.
d)The mind/body problem: the intrinsically mental elements.The need for a new conceptual framework to (re)think the problem: looking at the concept of relationship. A reinterpretation based on Husserl's phenomenology
Main Bibliography Antero de QUENTAL, “Tendências Gerais da Filosofia na segunda metade do século XIX”, in Filosofia, organização, introdução e notas de Joel Serrão, Ponta Delgada/Lisboa, Universidade dos Açores, Editorial Comunicação, 1989.
Edmund HUSSERL, A Ideia de Fenomenologia – Cinco Lições, Lisboa, Edições 70.
Giorgio AGAMBEN (Ed.). O que é o contemporâneo? e outros ensaios. Chapecó, SC: Argos, 2009
John SEARLE, Mente, Cérebro e Ciência, Lisboa, Edições 70,1984.
Natalie DEPRAZ, Husserl: Compreender Husserl, Editora Vozes, 2007.
Paul T SAGAL, Mind, Man & Machine (Mente, Homem e Máquina), Lisboa, Gradiva, 1996.
Robert SOKOLOWSK, Introduction to Phenomenology (Introdução à Fenomenologia), São Paulo, Edições Loyola, 2004.
Urbano SIDONCHA, Do Empírico ao Transcendental: A Consciência e o Problema Mente/Corpo entre o Materialismo Reducionista e a Fenomenologia de Husserl, FCG/FCT, 2011
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The classes will combine an expository and systematic component with an analysis and participative discussion of the themes and authors indicated in the program. This scientific-pedagogical model, which demands a strict understanding of students as active and central elements in the teaching-learning process, will be expressed in an assessment based on the following moments:
. Continuous assessment: active participation in the proposed activities, attendance (minimum of 60% of classes), punctuality, relevance and consistency of interventions (20%);
. Written test (40%);
. Essay regarding one of the program topics (30%);
. Individual interview – analysis and critique of relevant program information, strictly in situations to be identified throughout the semester (10%).
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.


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André Barata


Last updated on: 2024-03-15

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