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  4. Communication Design Applied to the Web

Communication Design Applied to the Web

Code 16215
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Design
Entry requirements Apart from the requirement for software tools like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop or their equivalents, there are no other prerequisites for the student.
Learning outcomes Theoretical-practical course in introductory web communication design. This course covers the conceptual principles and structural elements of communication design as a starting point for web design.

a) Acquiring knowledge related to the use of typography as a fundamental element of visual communication, mastering the functionality and expressiveness of type.
b) Developing practical skills related to the use of image, text, color, and visual composition.
c) Equipping students to solve visual communication problems.
d) Developing analytical and critical appreciation skills, as well as the ability to integrate knowledge from related communication fields.
e) Exposing students to values, attitudes, issues, and specific grammar of design professionals.
f) Practical mastery of the constituent elements of Communication Design.
Syllabus 1.The Creative Process and Design Methodology.
2.Fundamental Design Elements.
2.1 Typography, text, reading, legibility, and typographic expression.
2.2 Visual and information hierarchy.
2.3 Types and image formats.
2.4 Color systems.
2.5 Visual composition, grid, and layout.
3. Concept in communication design applied to the web.
4. Application of structural and fundamental design elements to multidimensional media.
5. Solving Simple Design Problems Applied to the Web.
5.1 Banner campaigns.
5.2 Function.
5.3 Visual references.
5.4 Formal structure and composition.
Main Bibliography Costa, J. & Raposo D. (2010). A rebelião dos signos a alma da letra. Lisboa: Dinalivro.

Dondis, D.(2003). Sintaxe da Linguagem Visual. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.

Drucker, J. & McVarish, E. (2012). Graphic Design History: A Critical Guide. London: Pearson.

Jury, D. (2007) O que é a Tipografia? Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Jute, A. (1999). Grelhas e Estrutura do Design Gráfico. Lisboa: Ed. Destarte.

Lupton, E. (2008) Graphic Design the New Basics. USA: Princeton Architectural Press.

Osborn, T. (2021). Hello Web Design: Design Fundamentals and Shortcuts for Non-Designers. San Francisco: No Strach Press.

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The course unit combines theory with its practical application, involving the implementation of projects based on the theoretical concepts acquired. Therefore, the Applied Web Communication Design course aims to equip students with practical, creative, and technological skills by conducting theoretical exercises integrated into the program's contents. With the same purpose, practical work will be carried out in a studio setting to foster critical thinking, ethical awareness, and collaboration.

Assessment will be ongoing, based on the work completed throughout the semester, with a focus on the development of the process, organization of ideas, and commitment during classes. Projects should be developed and discussed within the classroom setting to ensure guidance, and additional work outside of class may be required.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-06

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