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Business Organization and Entrepreneurship

Code 7146
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Economics and Management
Entry requirements not applicable
Mode of delivery The sessions are of theoretical and practical and the program is intended as a whole to reflect on the issues while empowering students with solid knowledge of the major theoretical-practical fundamentals. The first chapter provides an introduction to the basics of entrepreneurship and business creation. In the following five chapters explores the essential components that comprise the entrepreneur, business idea, technology, product and market, legal, financing of new business and business plan. Finally, in the last three chapters deals with the elements essential to encourage entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial. Students have the opportunity to identify, understand and apply the main tools of entrepreneurship, allowing them to develop a proposal for a business idea.
Work placements Not applicable
Learning outcomes The objectives are to increase knowledge of various subjects of entrepreneurship and business management , and to develop in encourage a series of skills and attitudes that foster entrepreneurship, aimed at creating new businesses / new projects in companies / institutions exist.
Skills to be acquired by the student:
- Know the process of creating new companies, factors and conditions;
- To characterize the figure of the entrepreneur and know the reasons for its appearance;
- Recognize and evaluate business ideas opportunities;
- Identify technologies with market potential and economic value;
- Identify the elements necessary to the process of starting a business;
- Develop and participate in entrepreneurial networks.
Syllabus 1. Entrepreneurship 1.1. Economic development and entrepreneurship 1.2. Entrepreneurial process 1.3. The motivation 1.4. Setting up a business 1.5. Factors of the environment 1.6. Cultural characteristics 1.7 Entrepreneurship in Portugal 2. Business plan 2.1 Importance of the business plan 2.2 Choice of the business idea 2.3 Importance, Objectives and to whom the business plan is intended 2.4 Preparation and structure of a business plan 3. Preparation of the Plan of Business 3.1 Personal information 3.2 Executive Summary 3.3 Presentation of the business 3.4 Framework of the sector 3.5 Products and services 3.6 Production 3.7 Organization and management, human resources 3.8 Marketing strategy 3.9 Value chain analysis and external analysis 4. Investment Decision Rules 4.1- Time value of money and net present value 4.2 - Internal rate of return 4.3 - Incremental cash flows and other investment criteria
Main Bibliography Bateman, Thomas S.; Snell, Scott A. (2007): Management - Hill Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World, 7ª Ed., McGraw-Hill International Edition.
Ferreira, Manuel Portugal; Santos, J. e Serra, F. (2008): “Ser Empreendedor – Pensar Criar e Moldar a Nova Empresa” Edições Sílabo, Lisboa.
Hisrich, R. Peters; M. Shepherd, D. (2005): Entrepreneurship. Empreendedores, 6ª Edição McGraw-Hill, Madrid.
Silva, Maria José (2007): “Inovação e Empreendedorismo” e “Financiamento das Empresas de Base Tecnológica” in Manual de Dinamização de Empresas de Base Tecnológica, (Eds.) M. Raposo, M.J. Silva & R. Rodrigues, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã
Timmons, J.; Spinelli, S, (2007) New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century 7thEd., Londres, UK: Prentice-Hall.
Thompson, A.; Strickland, A. e Gamble, J. (2008) Administração estratégica, 15ª Edição, McGraw-Hill Portugal.
Sarkar, Soumodip (2007): Empreendedorismo e Inovação, Escolar Editora, Lisboa.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2021-06-14

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