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  4. Image Theory

Image Theory

Code 12789
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 4
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Art and Design
Entry requirements NA
Mode of delivery Face to face
Work placements This signature enables students to perform internships in advertising agencies, communication agencies and public relations departments
Learning outcomes 1) Be able to apply abstract notions -- such as 'imago', 'eikôn', 'eidôlon', symbol, 'ius imaginum', 'repraesentatio', and "mimèsis" -- in different situations. 2) Be able to make substantiated judgments about historical and cultural processes. For example, the relation between the origin of images in the past and the awareness of death; the concealment of the image by "realm of visual" (R.Debray, H.Belting), and so forth; 3) To be able to explain, in general, the relative value that the images assume in the pagan, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions. 4) To be able to explain and justify notions such as iconoclasm, idolatry, 'iconodoulia', and ‘representatio’. 5) Be able to identify, comment on, explain and critique, from texts, theoretical models of appreciation to images: for example, the mimetic model of ontological degradation; 7) Recognize and explain the type of "ontology of the image" present in contemporary texts, works, movements, and authors.
Syllabus INTRODUCTION: presentation: teacher, students, program, work materials, methodology, and evaluation. On the designation Theory of Image.

1. IMAGE, DEATH, AND DOUBLE. The mythical and ancestral desire to figure. The 'immortalizing' power of images.

2. THE PARADIGM OF MIMETIC DEGRADATION (PLATON). The imaginal mimêsis as ontological degradation of Idea (eîdos/idéa). The Allegory of the Cave and the myth of the "three beds".

3. FROM THE PROHIBITION OF THE IMAGES TO THE "SYMBOLIC ANIMAL". The "idolatrous" desire to see and touch in contrast with the religious prohibition: "You will not make images!" The problematic relationship between images, power, and humor. Reductionist Hermeneutics and the new "ontology of the image".

4. FROM THE 'CLOSED WORK' - R. Barthes: the photograph 'this-was' - TO THE 'OPEN WORK': U. Eco and H.-G. Gadamer: pictures as «increase of being».

CONCLUSION. Hyperreality and deep-fake.
Main Bibliography BARTHES Roland, A Câmara Clara, Edições 70, Lx., 2006
BELTING Hans, A Verdadeira Imagem, Porto, Edição Dafne Editora, 2011.
BIOY CASARES Adolfo, La invención de Morel [1940], Emecé, Buenos Aires, 1972 (trad. port., Miguel Serras Pereira; A Invenção de Morel, Antígona, Lisboa, 2019).
CASSIRER Ernst, Ensaio sobre o Homem, Lx., Guimarães Ed., 1995.
DEBRAY Régis, Vie et mort de l’image, Gallimard, Paris, 1992
DURAND Gilbert, A Imaginação Simbólica, Lx., Ed.70, 1995
ECO Umberto, Obra Aberta, Lisboa, Difel, 1989.
GADAMER Hans-Georg, Verdad y metodo I., Sígueme, 1993;
GARCIA FERNANDEZ E., Historia general de la imagen, Madrid, 2000.
MARTINE Joly, A imagem e a sua interpretação, Ed.70, Lisboa, 2002.
MIRZOEFF Nicholas, The Visual Culture Reader, Routledge, London / New York, 2002.
PLATÃO, A República, Lisboa, FCG, 1987 (Livros VI, VII e X).
VILLAFAÑE Justo, Introducción a la teoría de la imagen, Madrid, Pirámide, 1992.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Taking into account the reflective and theoretical nature of the course, there will be introductory sessions, presentations, and discussion of the topics, commentary, analysis, and joint debate of texts, images, videos, films, and other work materials. These will be indicated and made available in advance on Moodle. We will always try to illustrate the topics as much as possible with images, slides, videos, films, etc., which are related to what is being presented and explained.
1) For students in the 1st cycles of DMM and CCC, assessment will be done using two Frequency Tests: the 1st, on 9 April 2024, will be worth 45%; and the 2nd, overall, on 28 May, will be worth 45%. The remaining 10 percent will be weighted according to the completion of other requested tasks, active participation, relevant oral interventions, etc. (>70 percent actual attendance, except in cases provided for by law), using the global direct observation (GDO) method.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-13

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