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Sociology of Communication

Code 14668
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements not applicable
Mode of delivery TP
Learning outcomes - To acquire theoretical concepts and perspectives for to interpret the communication in contemporary societies;
- To acquire knowledge about the social production of information;
- To Identify the role of communication and media in the constitution of the social world;
- To develop analytical and problematic skills of the current topics;
- To Reflect critically on the influence of the media on collective behavior;
- To write and explain orally the "basic ideas" of the texts worked;
- Produce critical reviews from scientific texts.
Syllabus 1.The sociology as social science: a sociological reasons for communications
2.The social production of information
3.Principal actors and communication strategies
4. Public Opinion: conceptualisations and problematization
5. The "public space" to "mediated public sphere"
6. New technologies and social media
Main Bibliography Berger, P. & Luckmann, N. (1985). A Construção Social da Realidade. Petrópoles: Vozes
Bourdieu, P. (1997). Sobre Televisão. Oeiras: Celta
Castells, M. (2002). A Era da Informação: Economia, Sociedade e Cultura. Lisboa: Fundação Gulbenkian
Correia, J. Gradim, Morais, R. (2019)(Eds.) Imaginários distópicos: metáforas e ficções. Editora LabCom
Rebelo, J ( (org.) (2014). As Novas Gerações de Jornalistas em Portugal. Lisboa: Mundos Sociais
Lopes, F. (coord.)(2017). O real (ainda) mora aqui? Os convidados e a participação dos espectadores na tv informativa. CECS
Marinho, S (2015). Introdução: Jornalismo, Sociedade e Mudança. In Jornalismo e Formação em Mudança: modelos e construções na análise do caso português. CECS
Serra, J. P. (2017). Disciplinas, Paradigmas e Olhares: o lugar de Paquete de oliveira na construção do campo das ciências sociais, Revista Comunicando, Vol. 6 – N.º 1, Média e Cidadania: Um tributo a Paquete de Oliveira

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The teaching methodology used consists of more active strategies (viewing systematized information on websites and other online resources) and the participation of the students. Thus, the teacher requests and agrees with the students:

2) Work and oral presentation (individual) from the bibliography provided (40%)
3) thematic work (in group) (50%)
3) Portfolio (10%)
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-06-21

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