Pilot Phase

The Pilot phase of UNITA: 2020-2023

Ficheiro com o nome: Rettori 12 università

Initiated in October 2020, UNITA concluded its pilot phase in November 2023.

The impacts generated by the UNITA Alliance find their roots in the shared values and commonalities that bind its members. The Alliance, in its pilot phase, comprised six universities, each possessing three fundamental characteristics that reinforce their shared purpose:

  1. they are strategically positioned in rural and mountain regions
  2. they are situated in cross-border areas of Southern, Central, and Eastern Europe, facing analogous challenges within similar ecosystems
  3. they belong to member states where neo-Latin languages are spoken, expressing a collective commitment to actively employ languages beyond English, thus championing linguistic diversity and fostering inclusion.

The UNITA activities were coordinated by 8 Work Packages (WPs), each aiming to achieve a specific objective.

The summary below presents the main Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts produced by each WP task.

WP1 - The cornerstones of the UNITA community: creating a participative, open, inclusive, and effective European university

Activity 1.1 - Implementing UNITA governance and operational structure

  • Output: Creation of the UNITA Governance and Operational Structure
    • The governance structure aims to promote participation and democracy and f. Features a multi-level model for stakeholder involvement. Core decision-making body: Governance Board. Advisory bodies include Students’ Assembly, Quality and Evaluation Board, Advisory Council.
  • Outcome: Evolution of the UNITA Structure in view of UNITA II
    • Simplification of work package structures for increased efficiency.
    • Shift from WP-level operational groups to Task-level Task Forces.
    • Increase of active UNITA project members.
  • Impact: 6 Additional New Member Universities and the UNITA-GEIE as a Full Partner
    • Expansion of member universities including the European Economic Interest Grouping (UNITA-GEIE), the UNITA legal entity fully recognized by European law.
    • Increased collaboration and partnership across different institutions.


Activity 1.2 – UNITA Management and Administration

  • Output: UNITA Management Guide
    • Detailed guide on project management defining responsibilities and processes.
    • 6 UNITA offices in total have been established across all partner institutions. Each UNITA office is staffed by individuals with diverse roles and responsibilities.
    • Implementation of open-source common Datacloud workspace for sharing and organizing

UNITA’s documents, files, data, and other digital tools.

  • Outcome: UNITA’S Workforce
    • Creation of 34 full-time administrative positions.
    • Involvement of over 400 individuals in various UNITA activities.
  • Impact: UNITA institutional rooting: 96,7% of the internal academic faculties have participated in the Alliance’s activities.


Activity 1.3 – Enhancing Participation of Students, Staff, and Partners to Shape an Inclusive Participatory Community

  • Output: UNITA Participatory Governance
    • Engagement of various stakeholders in governance.
    • Representation from rectors, administrative staff, professors, external experts, and students.
  • Outcome: UNITA Stakeholder Analysis
    • 6 Founder universities
    • 160 000 students, 13 000 staff members including academics and administrative staff
    • 66 Associated partners and 85 Local partners (for UNITA Rural Mobility)
  • Impact: Creation of the Unique and Pioneer Student Assembly
    • Establishment of a participative student-led community. More than 60 UNITA students have actively participated in the establishment of the UNITA Student Assembly.


Activity 1.4 – Ensuring the Quality of UNITA

  • Output: Establishing an Internal Quality and Evaluation Process
    • Formation of Quality and Evaluation Board (QEB) for assessment.
    • Development of Quality Assurance policy and tools.
  • Outcome: Achievements of the Innovative UNITA Quality Assurance System
    • Implementation of a comprehensive QA system involving stakeholders.
    • Positive external Quality evaluation by a national agency
    • High overall Quality evaluation score in project management indicating effectiveness.
  • Impact: Dissemination of the Innovative Works of the UNITA Quality assurance system to the European Higher Education landscape
    • Sharing UNITA's QA experience and best practices internationally.
    • Influence on the European Higher Education landscape through participation in key events.


WP2-Establishment of international and innovative student-centered education at the UNITA level

Activity 2.1 - Laying the foundation for the recognition of international UNITA personalized study paths

  • Output:
    • Establishment of the Hubs of Success (HoS) and development of the cartography of courses in three thematic areas. HoS provide counseling support for students preparing for mobility and offer personalized study paths within UNITA programs.
    • Development of a cartography of courses to visualize subjects and degrees in the three strategic thematic areas: Circular economy, Renewable energies and Cultural heritage
  • Outcome:
    • 6,061 students have consulted the HoS.
    • Support in the implementation of 10 new forms of international education opportunities implemented at the UNITA level.
  • Impact:
    • Organization of 36 UNITA Days to promote educational offerings reaching thousands of local students and academic staff.
    • Implementation of matching events leading to the ideation of 21 new international educational offers.


Activity 2.2 – Sharing best practices in digital learning and student-centered pedagogies

  • Output:
    • Establishment of the Teaching and Learning Centers (TLC) network, organizing staff development and training, and promoting quality teaching.
  • Outcome:
    • Organization of 9 workshop modules on innovative pedagogies for 925 teachers.
  • Impact:
    • D. Position and Research on the topic based on an assessment exercise on the teachers’ needs in regard to teaching in an international environment and on students’ needs in regard to learning in an international environment.


Activity 2.3 – Assessing UNITA quality of teaching and learning

  • Output:
    • Benchmark of UNITA’s universities' practices of Quality assurance of Teaching and Learning.
  • Outcome:
    • Development of templates for surveys for students’ evaluation of UNITA educational offers, encompassing mobility opportunities and innovative UNITA courses.
  • Impact:
    • Identification and diffusion of good practices related to Teaching and Learning Quality assurance.


WP3- United in diversity: towards enhanced multilingual intercomprehension in romance languages within UNITA

Activity 3.1 – Mapping the state of the art on IC

  • Output:
    • Report on the current state-of-the-art IC practices and programs within and outside the UNITA community.
  • Outcome:
    • Publication of free IC materials and training on the public UNITA website to increase access

to intercomprehension resources

  • Impact:
    • Intercomprehension as a means of communication between UNITA staff particularly in written forms like emails and work chats


Activity 3.2 - IC education activities to transform the community within the UNITA partners’ community

  • Output:
    • Development of an IC competence framework and 8 training models (for students, teachers, and administrative staff).
  • Outcome:
    • 143 individuals, comprising students, teachers, and administrative staff, have acquired Intercomprehension (IC) skills through 44 IC courses tailored to the participants’ needs.
  • Impact:
    • Creation of 6 different types of IC digital badges delivered to a total of 335 participants, certifying participation and the acquisition of skills.


Activity 3.3 – IC research and dissemination activities to transform society beyond the UNITA partners’ community

  • Output:
    • Establishment of a Ph.D. position for research on IC based on UNITA activities.
    • Development and diffusion of guidelines for Intercomprehension courses and dissemination activities.
  • Outcome:
    • Engaging in the IC academic discourse: active participation in scientific conferences and organization of an international conference on the topic
    • Expanding Reach: Introducing an IC Diploma for Firefighters and Facilitating Learning Activities for Primary School Students
  • Impact:
    • Elevating intercomprehension research through the publication of 9 scientific articles and 1 Ph.D. thesis on IC


WP4-UNITA R&I: Catalyzing change in rural and mountain regions through innovation in cultural heritage, renewable energies, and circular economy

Activity 4.1 - Guiding UNITA universities' research toward transformative solutions for rural and mountain societal challenges

  • Output:
    • Creation of the UNITA’s research and innovation cartography including 649 research projects to foster collaborative excellence in the three thematic areas.
  • Outcome:
    • Establishment of Research and Innovation Hubs in Cultural Heritage, Renewable Energy, and Circular Economy for long-term strategies
  • Impact:
    • UNITA’s integration of 157 researchers in the R&I Hubs


Activity 4.2 - Connecting research and learning

  • Output:
    • Development of UNITA’s Transformative Micro-Credentials Shaping Expertise in Circular Economy, Renewable Energy, and Cultural Heritage.
  • Outcome:
    • Organization of 16 summer/winter schools with 199 total participants.
  • Impact:
    • Activation and sponsorship of 47 Ph.D co-tutelles within UNITA of which 35 integrated into the R&I Hubs.


Activity 4.3 - Energizing the territories through research and educational activities in the three thematic areas

  • Output:
    • 93 external stakeholders from the socioeconomic environment of the territories included in the R&I Hubs
  • Outcome:
    • Activation of 22 international innovation and research internships in companies, research centers, or institutions mainly focused on the three thematic areas
  • Impact:
    • Activation of 49 self-funded UNITA joint research projects implemented by a total of 120 UNITA researchers


WP5-UNITA Digital Services

Activity 5.1 – Implementing UNITA digital services

  • Output:
    • Set up of the UNITA Datacloud management tool for file-sharing and collaboration system https://datacloud.univ-unita.eu/. Based on an open-source solution, It incorporates useful apps such as files, calendars, video-conference rooms, chat, boards, polls, forms, and a knowledge space.
  • Outcome:
    • Establishment and maintenance of the UNITA public website https://www.univ-unita.eu/ serving as a virtual showcase, offering detailed insights into UNITA’s history, its core mission, and the diverse activities undertaken by the member universities.
    • Establishment and maintenance of the UNITA Virtual Campus (#UVC) as an educational and research platform https://vcampus.univ-unita.eu/
  • Impact:
    • 356 European Student Cards (ESC) issued at the UNITA level that combines a physical student card and a digital account, streamlining administrative processes and providing a unified means of identity verification throughout a student’s academic journey.


WP6-UNITA Mobility for All

Activity 6.1 - Developing new forms of original UNITA mobilities for all

  • Output:
    • Internal analysis to unfold the barriers and drivers to mobility through a survey participated

by 13.662 people

  • Outcome:
    • Development of four new forms of mobility: Virtual Mobilities, UNITA Blended Intensive Programs, UNITA Collaborative International Learning, and UNITA Rural Mobilities resulting in a total of 1.755 student mobilities activated within the Alliance.
  • Impact:
    • Increased student interest in new mobility applications over the years, evidenced by a surge in applications for Blended Intensive Programs and Rural Mobilities.


Activity 6.2 - Development and implementation of Rural Erasmus internships

  • Output:
    • Development and implementation of 313 UNITA Rural Mobilities (URM)
  • Outcome:
    • 85 organizations from the local socioeconomic environment engaged in the URM
  • Impact:
    • Research activities and public dissemination events highlighting the impact of URMs on students and local communities.
    • Expanded influence of URM initiative beyond UNITA, demonstrated by international collaborations and workshops.


Activity 6.3 - Digitalizing and facilitating mobility

  • Output:
    • Digitalization of administrative mobility processes through initiatives like Erasmus Without Paper and Digital Learning Agreements.
    • Implementation of Flexibility Windows to support personalized study paths, enhancing adaptability and enriched student experiences.
  • Outcome:
    • Publication of a framework of skills developed during UNITA mobilities, bridging the gap between experiential learning and tangible skill development.
  • Impact:
    • Activation of 2.473 mobilities involving students and staff, showcasing the effectiveness of UNITA initiatives in fostering diverse and inclusive mobility experiences.


WP7-UNITA strengthening European Identity, Citizenship & Values

Activity 7.1 - Promoting EU citizenship and values to the student community

  • Output:
    • Organization of 12 workshops on European Citizenship and Values with a total of 802 participants.
  • Outcome:
    • Implementation of 2 virtual mobility courses on European Citizenship followed by a total of 800 students.
  • Impact:
    • 127 open digital badges for the European Citizenship course issued as long-lasting certification of impact.


Activity 7.2 - Promoting EU citizenship and value to society

  • Output:
    • Organization of 12 workshops in rural and mountain areas on European Citizenship and Values with a total of 802 participants.
  • Outcome:
    • Organization of 9 courses on European Identity and Citizenship for rural communities with 248 total participants.
  • Impact:
    • UNITA university students acting as ambassadors for the promotion of EU Citizenship and Identity engaged over 1000 local high school students.


Activity 7.3 - Promoting EU citizenship and value through research

  • Output:
    • Organization of an open conference on European Citizenship.
  • Outcome:
    • UNITA awards prizes for master’s and bachelor’s theses on European Citizenship.
  • Impact:
    • Activation of a Ph.D. position on EU Citizenship.


WP8- UNITA sustainability and dissemination to ensure the continuity and uptake of the Alliance

Activity 8.1 - Ensuring the uptake of the Alliance

  • Output:
    • Winning the EU call for European Universities
  • Outcomes:
    • €10.2 million in additional funding - obtained through competitive calls for common actions beyond the EUI project - equal to 204% of the initial budget provided by the European Universities call
  • Impacts:
    • Creation of the UNITA GEIE: the Alliance’s legal entity
    • UNITA constellation projects


Activity 8.2 – UNITA dissemination and communication

  • Output:
    • UNITA Visual identity
      • Outcome:
        • UNITA is present on 5 social media platforms with a total of 4952 followers at the end of the pilot phase
        • UNITA news: over 300 subscribers to the UNITA newsletter
      • Impact:
        • Activation of the UNITA podcast
        • 12 patronage issued by UNITA to various initiatives and events


Activity 8.3 – UNITA role model in shaping the EU higher education landscape

  • Output:
    • Publication of the Manual of Best Practices
      • Outcome:
        • Organization of the UNITA U*Night
      • Impact:
        • 131 presentations of UNITA in external events


Please click on this link for a deeper insight into the impacts of UNITA.

Best Practices

Universities live in a competitive and challenging environment and have to improve their quality to attract students while tackling with the demands of their societies. UNITA was born to serve its students and regions with this objective it aims to collect best practices in teaching and research but also those related with strengthening the links with the societies they pertain to.

Best Practices Manual

Best Practice 01 | Rural Mobility

Best Practice 02 | Intercomprehension

Best Practice 03 | BIPs

Best Practice 04 | Involvement of student representatives and proactive role within the alliance

Best Practice 05 | Hubs > Cartography, Online catalogue, weekly talks

Best Practice 06 | Promoting European Citizenship

Best Practice 07 | Teaching &  learning center networks

Best Practice 08 | Geminae project

Best Practice 09 | Legal Entity

Best Practice 10 | Building UNITA Community: UNITA Days, Virtual Campus, Matching event)

Best Practice 11 | UNITA Constellation




UNITA Green Sustainability Report
31 Out 2024
UNITA Impact Observatory Plan 
31 Out 2024
UNITA Expansion in Europe and beyond implemented
 31 Out 2024

Past initiatives and activities

UNITA Universitas Montium Prizes for Bachelors and Masters degree dissertations - 2022

UBI Winner

MASTER Prize : 


UPPA Winners


MASTER Prize: 

UVT Winners


MASTER Prize: 


UNITO Winner


MASTER Prize: 






UNITA Universitas Montium Prizes for Bachelors and Masters degree dissertations - 2021

UBI Winner

MASTER Prize : 


UPPA Winners


  • Title: "La fracture Nord-Sud dans l'UEM"
    Author: Tom Tahitoa Eckenschwiller
    The work is on differences in the Economic and Monetary Union and identifies north/south discrepancy in the organization / functioning of eurozone.  

MASTER Prize: 

UVT Winners


    Author: Safta Andrada-Maria, Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences, study program: International Relations and European Studies
    Paper summary: `One of the main aims of the paper is to provide a description of the common foundations and spheres that lead to a European identity so that the results of the research provide answers to questions such as Participation in the Erasmus + program contributes to the development of a European identity? If so, what aspects of European identity are enhanced by involvement in this program? The aim of the paper was also to investigate one of the main objectives of the Erasmus + program, as the European Commission states in its numerous reports, one of which referred to the "Mid-Term Evaluation of the Erasmus + Program (2014-2020)", namely, to encourage a sense of European identity and citizenship among its participants. `

MASTER Prize: 

    Author:Țăran AlexandraFaculty of Economics and Business Administration, study program: Taxation and Tax Consultancy
    Acknowledgment: The Master's Research was published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health in July 2021. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.728287
    Paper summary: `The paper comprises both a theoretical and a practical approach to the adoption of e-health in European countries. Thus, in the first part of the paper, we made a bibliometric analysis that can be considered a starting point in future research on the adoption and implementation of e-health, resulting in a bibliometric mapping of major countries, authors, institutions, and keywords used in the field our research period, the analysis period between the years 2000-2020. Such an analysis has been applied because of the existence of vast and complex literature on e-health. The second part of the research, dedicated exclusively to empirical analysis, highlights the purpose of the analysis and the implications of applying the relative distances method, a method that allows combining different criteria to obtain the hierarchy of countries analyzed from the perspective of e-health adoption`.


UNITO Winner

MASTER Prize: 


UNIZA Winner


UNITA Junior Academy

UJA - UNITA Junior Academy promotes different activities (conferences, experiences, visits) to allow students from primary to high schools to have an experience in an academic environment.

The UJA aims to be a space for discussion, reflection, experimentation, questioning and learning of science and its applications. It works annually at each UNITA university, with the participation of teachers from all UNITA universities and partners.



Intercomprehension clothing set

This activity developed by UBI is aimed at young people from six to 10 years old. The escape room helps students to play with the Romance languages while learning the possibilities of intercomprehension.
It was presented and carried out in the European Researcher's Night making an online game between students from the different regions of UNITA.


"Hearts & Hands" Manual


"Montanhas de Água" Journal

If you want to replicate this initiative, please contact UNITA OFFICE UBI: unita@ubi.pt


Escape Room for intercomprehension purposes 

An escape room is a live-action, puzzle-solving experience where participants of all ages must work together to solve a series of challenges and puzzles. An escape room is often based on a story to engage participants more emotionally. In the case of the escape room held during the Researchers' Night at the University of Turin, the story is about the disappearance of a student called Mihaela. Participants are told in advance that the student was translating a document when she suddenly disappeared. The escape game is considered successful when the participants have understood where Mihaela has gone.

By incorporating language-based puzzles and exercises, escape rooms can be used to improve intercomprehension skills, as participants have to communicate and work together to understand the clues and solve the puzzle to move on to the next exercise. This challenge can help break down language barriers, improve cross-cultural communication and increase language fluency, as was successfully demonstrated during the event.



If you want to replicate this initiative, please contact: UNITA OFFICE TURIN unita@unito.it


CATPAT: Cataloging heritage

The objective of this activity is to promote the valuation and understanding of cultural heritage. For this, the students actively participate in its cataloging and its dissemination through an APP. This APP has
been designed within the framework of a citizen science project and allows users to create files on heritage assets, automatically locating them on the map.

You can work from mobile devices exploring the territory or from the computer if the images and voiceovers have been previously prepared. The sheets can be shared on social networks and comments can be added to sheets made by other users. The first experience has been carried out on the occasion of World Heritage Day in April 2022 in Zaragoza. It is recommended to work on it from secondary school, but the use of the application is open to all types of public. In the school context, the activity is carried out in three sessions: the first for reflection on the concept of heritage and explanation of the APP, the second for exploration of the environment or data collection and the third for documentation work, preparation of the sheets and updating the platform.

Access and downloads can be done from https://civitas.unizar.es/catpat

To replicate the activity, contact Pilar Rivero (privero@unizar.es).


Unita Junior Academy Quiz on Europe

The aim of this game is to pass on information and knowledge about Europe in a fun way, by answering questions in teams or individually.

The game consists of 36 cards divided into 6 categories: economy, communication, European values, history/heritage, mobility and ecology. The questions are of two types: either MCQs or True/False. No open-ended questions are asked, so as not to challenge participants knowledge. Each cardcontains the question, the answer and an explanation that provides additional information on one aspect of Europe.

The game can be played individually to test one's knowledge or in teams: a 6-coloured die (to be printed), a bingo or a wheel of fortune (to be designed) determine the category of the question.

When the question is asked, the members of each team work together to give a single answer. To do this, they have to discuss and negotiate. A point is scored when the answer is correct.

This game has been used with primary school pupils (11 years old) and within the framework of the Cordées de la Réussite at UPPA with secondary school pupils aged 12 to 15.

There is also a slightly more difficult version for high school students and adults.

Download Cartes à jouer pour jeu UNITA JUNIOR »


Download Dé »


For more information, contact Géraldine Larguier (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour),: geraldine.larguier@univ-pau.fr
Designed in collaboration with the SAPS department of UPPA.



Ai vrea să descoperi ce e intercomprehensiunea?

Selon le dictionnaire Larousse c’est la « Capacité pour des sujets parlants de comprendre les énoncés émis par d'autres. »

Les études sur l’intercompréhension la définissent comme « […] la capacité de comprendre une langue étrangère sur la base d’une autre langue sans l’avoir apprise ». Meissner (2003 :31) 

Los recientes estudios sobre la intercomprensión y su enseñanza han puesto en luz que en realidad esta práctica debe ser vista como un conjunto de diferentes perspectivas y por ese motivo podemos definirla como: 

  1. Una manera de dialogar practicada desde siglos que se basa en la comprensión recíproca, aunque los hablantes no hablen el mismo idioma;
  2. Un conjunto de estrategias de comunicación que utilizan las proximidades de las lenguas y sus similitudes; y más recientemente… 
  3. Un aproche didáctico (aparecido a finales del siglo XX) cuyo objetivo es el de promover la comprensión entre hablantes de idiomas que pertenecen a la misma familia lingüística. 

Riassumendo… possiamo definirla come 

“Lo sviluppo della capacità di co-costruire un significato quando lingue diverse entrano in contatto e utilizzandolo in una determinata situazione comunicativa in modo pragmatico. In altre parole, l'intercomprensione è anche la capacità di comprendere una lingua (senza necessariamente aver studiato di prima) in un contesto dato, utilizzando la competenza discorsiva sviluppata.” Capucho, F. “Línguas e identidades culturais: da implicação de políticos (socio)linguistas.” In Fábio L. da Silva & Kanavillil Rajagopalan (orgs), A linguística que nos faz falhar. São Paulo: Unicamp: Parábola Editorial, 2004. 83 – 87.

Para defini-lo ainda melhor, podemos distinguir vários tipos de intercompreensão. Quando falamos de intercompreensão distinguimos na verdade:

A intercompreensão recetiva que consiste em ler ou ouvir músicas

Intercompreensão interativo: interação escrita ou oral

Também podemos fazer uma distinção adicional entre:

Intercompreensão entre línguas relacionadas (tais como o romance, eslavo, línguas germânicas...) e intercompreensão entre línguas não relacionadas.



+ info



+ info




The 15th January 2023 is the deadline for the Course of Intercomprehension for  teachers. UNITA  offers a training course for Intercomprehension teachers. The course aims at developing teaching skills in intercomprehension among romance languages.

Participants will be entitled to a digital certification: Open Badge Training for Intercomprehension Teachers. 

Info and enroll here:Inscription à la formation "Intercomprensione per docenti" | Framaforms.org

For any questions please contact prof.ssa Elisa Corino elisa.corino@unito.it

+ info»



Are you a student of the UNITA Alliance involved in a virtual or physical mobility project?
Do you want to improve your ability to understand other romance languages? Here is what we offer!

  • 30 hours of online lessons (18 syncronous hours +12 asynchronous hours)
  • learning strategies to apply in a context of language proximity
  • digital open badge
  • the course is FREE!

Discover what is intercomprehension! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg4Kl-TMJWM

ENROLL HERE WITHIN JUNE 15 https://forms.gle/hG8hgsmmbdsaNenQ6

More information»


The 10th June is the new deadline for the Course of Intercomprehension for Intercomprehension teachers. UNITA together with University Language Center of Turin (CLA-UniTO) offers a training course for Intercomprehension teachers. The course aims at developing teaching skills in intercomprehension among romance languages.

Participants will be entitled to a digital certification: Open Badge Training for Intercomprehension Teachers (50-hour course)

Info and enroll here: https://www.cla.unito.it/it/formazione-continua/intercomprensione

Laboratorio di Intercomprensione tra lingue affini (in modalità COIL)

Date starts: 18/02/2022 

Il laboratorio si rivolge a studenti di qualsiasi lingua materna con una competenza minima di livello B1 (del QCER) in almeno una lingua romanza ed ha l’obiettivo di permettere lo sviluppo delle competenze di intercomprensione scritta attraverso l’uso delle principali strategie.

Maggiori informazioni

Summer School “Université d’été” 

Event starts:  29/08/2022 - 3/09/2022

La Summer School “Université d’été” propone un corso residenziale di una settimana a S. Anna di Valdieri (CN), da lunedì 29 agosto a sabato 3 settembre 2022, e la partecipazione a un convegno conclusivo di una giornata nel mese di settembre 2022, al termine del quale verrà rilasciato l’attestato di partecipazione valido per il conseguimento di 3 CFU.


DESTINATARI: Studentesse e studenti (massimo 30 posti) di:

  • CdL in Lingue e culture per il turismo
  • CdL Magistrale in Comunicazione internazionale per il turismo
  • Master in Promozione e organizzazione turistico-culturale del territorio
  • Atenei europei che aderiscono al progetto UNITA (massimo 5 posti). Richiesta buona padronanza dell'italiano, lingua ufficiale.

Maggiori informazioni



+ info»

Unita sta organizzando una serie di corsi di Intercomprensione di 30 ore per gli studenti in Mobilità Virtuale o Fisica all'interno del progetto Unita - Universitas Montium!

Vuoi saperne di più sull'intercomprensione? Guarda questo video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg4Kl-TMJWM

Ecco qualche info utile:

  • Il corso si terrà online e inizierà a febbraio 2022
  • Puoi scegliere fra due opzioni di orario
  • Ci saranno lezioni in sincrono e asincrono
  • Alla fine riceverai un badge grazie al quale la tua università riconoscerà il corso di Intercomprensione come parte del tuo percorso educativo!

Iscriviti entro il 31 gennaio riempiendo il modulo al link  https://forms.gle/sfB6oJJtBGK2Sh6p6 o seguendo il QR code alla fine del video!

Dopo l'iscrizione riceverai delle informazioni sugli orari e le disponibilità del corso. 

Ti aspettiamo!


Rural Mobility

Results of the UNITA Rural Mobility Call for Proposals

After the meeting of the URM working group and the respective selection commissions, you will find below the links with the admitted and excluded students in each destination.

The link where our URM results at UBI will be published is: https://www.ubi.pt/Entidade/gisp_unita_rural_mobility

The list of selected students and the waiting list of UNIZAR is available at  https://internacional.unizar.es/unita--mobility

For UPPA region : They will be published soon on this links https://ri.univ-pau.fr/fr/partir/dans-quel-cadre-partir/mobilites-unita/stages-ruraux-unita.html
For USMB region: https://www.univ-smb.fr/espace-etudiant/2024/04/03/stage-ruraux-unita-vivez-une-experience-professionnelle-inedite-au-coeur-des-territoires-en-europe/

The link to the Rural Mobility webpage for UniTO is: https://en.unito.it/international-relations/unita-universitas-montium/unita-rural-mobility
The direct link to the Ranking list is: https://en.unito.it/sites/sten/files/final_ranking_rural_mobility_2023.pdf 

The preliminary results to the URM call launched by UVT in 2023 are published on our website: https://www.uvt.ro/unita/en/unita-mobilitati/


Call for application to UNITA Rural mobility internship programme open 7 to 31 March 2023


The UNITA Rural Mobility call offers internship opportunities to be carried out in institutions, companies and municipalities of rural communities in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Romania from May to October 2023. The program aims to create new synergies in education, research and entrepreneurship and to produce a net-positive impact on rural and mountainous areas across Europe.

The new calls UNITA Rural Mobility 2023 are now available. Visit the Links to the calls and particularities of each university:

Application form

Online briefing: 20 March 2023 at 14h (CET)




UNITO 2023

UVT 2023

UNITO 2022


UVT 2022

UBI 2022

UNITO 2021

UVT 2021



Blended Intensive Programmes

Facts and figures:

  • 29 BIPs organised within UNITA
  • More than 500 students participating in a BIP experience


The BIPs organised in 2020-2023



  1. Intensive Week on Circular Economy (USMB)
  2. Green Business in Europe, Managing resilience and sustainability in Europe (USMB)


  1. Circular Economy (UBI)


  1. Microcredentials: introduce Bs students to research in Circ. Eco. (UVT)
  2. UVT Green Month- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the European Blue Economy (UVT)
  3. Microcredentials: introduce Bs students to research in Circ. Eco. (UVT)
  4. Entrepreneurship for creative industries (UVT)




  1. Intangible Cultural Heritage (UPPA)
  2. Randopat/Heritrail : sur les chemins de Roland  (UPPA)
  3. Solar energy for buildings: from components to cities (USMB)


  1. UNITA borders (UNITO)


  1. European Identity and Citizenship – challenges of the European integration (UBI)


  1. The Dynamics between the European Union and the Member States. A comparative (law) perspective (UVT)


  1. Women Artists on the European Cultural scene, 1800-1945 (UNIZAR)
  2. Cultural Heritage and Depopulated Areas: Case Studies towards the Preservation of Identity (UNIZAR)




  1. Environment, arts and ecology (UPPA)
  2. Autumn school Data Sciences for Solar Energy (USMB)
  3. Branding strategy for sustainable tourism (USMB)
  4. Solar energy for buildings: from components to cities (USMB)


  1. Summer school: Ren. EnR (UNITO)


  1. Cohesion and sustainability for a brighter future (UBI)


  1. Randopat-Heritrail – Mushrooms, herbs and raw food; practices and beliefs (UVT)




  1. e.s plurilingues de langues romanes (UPPA)
  2. Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes (UPPA)
  3. Undergraduate Summer School: French language and introduction to research (UPPA)
  4. Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes (USMB)
  5. Aesthetic Choices and Political Issues - Multilingual Literary Writing in Romance Languages (UPPA)
  6. Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes (USMB)
  7. Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes (UPPA)


  1. Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes (UNITO) – 2 editions in 2022 and 2022


  1. Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes (UVT)


  1. Intercomprehension for Language for Specific Purposes (UNIZAR)



  1. UNITA BIP for mobilities (UVT)
  2. BIP4BIPs (UPPA) (closed call)


UNITA proposes an action plan based on the launching of three Research and Innovation Thematic Hubs as the main tool to reach the following objectives:

  • Focusing research on territories: Formalizing research and innovation projects around the three thematic areas in connection with the local ecosystem.
  • Identifying actors in the three main areas: a cartography of research
  • Designing models for UNITA R&I Hubs
  • Implementing UNITA R&I Hubs connecting all stakeholders: a R&I strategic five-years plan
  • Connecting research and education:  Embodying the research results into the teaching at all the learning levels.
  • Introducing bachelors’ students to research through micro-credentials, when possible in the rural and mountain territories
  • Fostering research-based master education though summer / winter school
  • Enhancing links among the UNITA PhD programs
  • Energizing the territories: Revitalising the mountain and rural areas through life-long learning and entrepreneurship.
  • Transferring research results for life-long learners
  • Connecting with stakeholders: a network of Liaison Services
  • Enhancing entrepreneurship and employment: co-working spaces and business incubators

This model, which has to be designed and implemented during the period 2020-2023, will be then evaluated to assess its impact and transformative capacity on the territory, on research-driven learning, and on life-long learning, employment and entrepreneurship. If the results are positive, it will be expanded with the necessary modifications in order to extend it progressively to other thematic areas. First of all, those that have a more direct relationship with the development of rural and mountain territories and that best fit the Smart Specialization Strategies of the UNITA regions (for instance, veterinary, food production, environmental sciences, cultural and naturel tourism, among many others). The objective is to extend in the long-term the coverage to all the thematic areas that can be addressed through a coordinated collaboration of all public and private actors in each ecosystem.

U*Night - The UNITA Researchers' Night

Bridging the gap between researchers and the public is important. European Researchers’ Night is an example of how researchers take the opportunity to engage with citizens of all ages each year so as to demonstrate the impact of their research on society.

The EU-funded U*Night project takes this a step further. It aims to expand its outreach programme to also include previously inaccessible rural, semi-rural and mountain regions. The project leverages Horizons Europe Missions, which pool various resources to build a more inclusive and resilient continent, to translate key issues into concrete objectives and relate the work of researchers to real life.

Ultimately, U*Night will become an open laboratory for communication and outreach practices.


The Talent Development Programme for PhD Students is launched!

Would you like to have an opportunity to express your talent for innovation?
Do you like challenges?
This international contest is open to PhD students enrolled in any PhD Program of Re-UNITA Universities!
Bring your team, choose one challenge among the three scientific areas – Circular Economy, Cultural Heritage, Renewable Energy - and create a solution for it.

Be innovative!

Three prizes of € 5.000 will be awarded – one prize for the best team in each scientific area!

Read the Contest Rules.

Registrations are open until 30/10/2023 – access the Registration Form.

Contact e-mail for any questions regarding the contest: unita@ubi.pt



In the framework of Re-UNITA project the following training courses on Open Science are available: 


Fair Data Basics, Prof. Elena Giglia, UNITO, two modules of 3.5 hours, on the 6th and 13th of March 2023, 9:30 to 13:00 CET. 

 Register here: https://forms.gle/ZMGrx9HN6beQFKnV9

Connect here: 



Open Science in Horizon Europe, Prof. Elena Giglia, UNITO, one module of 2 hours, on the 27th of March 2023, 10:00 to 12:00 CET. 

Register here: https://forms.gle/FvT8ikaZarDwNLPJ8

Connect here: 



Use Open Identifiers and manage your researcher's digital identity, Prof. Gaelle Lannuzel, UPPA, one module of 2 hours, on the 23rd of  May 2023, 9:30 to 11:30 CET. 

Register here: https://forms.gle/ypmeRWeaVsCarPsZ6

Connect here: 

You will receive the meeting link prior to the event based on your complete registration. 


Associated Partners

International organizations:

National Organizations:

Local Authorities:



Representatives of the socio-economic world:


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