Future Events




Course Overview:
Metabolism is the intricate network of biochemical processes that sustain life, encompassing the conversion of nutrients into energy and the synthesis of essential molecules. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is as a powerful tool in uncovering the complexities of cellular metabolism. NMR enables researchers to quantify metabolite concentrations, track metabolic fluxes, and elucidate metabolic pathways in both normal and diseased states. Through advanced NMR techniques, researchers can gain insights into how metabolic networks are altered in certain pathologies, enabling the identification of potential metabolic vulnerabilities for therapeutic targeting.
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the study of metabolism using NMR techniques, spanning from sample preparation to the analysis and interpretation of NMR spectra. It integrates online theoretical lectures with practical hands-on sessions conducted at the NMR facility of the Health Sciences Research Centre of the University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), which is equipped with Bruker Avance III 400 MHz and 600 MHz NMR spectrometers.

Course format:
Participants may choose to participate only in the theoretical lectures (Theoretical Course) or in both theoretical and hands-on sessions (Full Course).
Theoretical course: online
Full course: hybrid (online theoretical lectures; on-site hands-on sessions).

Venue (for hands-on sessions): NMR facility, Health Sciences Research Centre (CICS-UBI), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal

Target audience: This course is aimed at BSc, MSc and PhD students, and researchers who are interested in using NMR spectroscopy for studying metabolism.

Unlimited (for online Theoretical Course)
12 participants, maximum (for on-site Full Course)

Language: English

Course topics:
- NMR Theory Basics
- Metabolism overview
- NMR as a tool for studying metabolism using different nuclei (1H, 2H, 13C and 31P NMR)

Course speakers and instructors:
Theoretical lectures (online)
Ana Gil (CICECO, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
Fatema Bhinderwala ( University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Jacinta Serpa (NOVA Medical School, IPO Lisboa, Portugal)
John Jones (CNC, University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Luís Gonçalves (ITQB-NOVA, Portugal)
Ricardo Louro (ITQB-NOVA, Portugal)
Rui Carvalho (REQUINTE / University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Hands-on sessions (on-site)
Carla Cruz (CICS-UBI, Portugal)
Carla Fonseca (CICS-UBI, Portugal)
Isabel Lemos (NOVA Medical School, IPO Lisboa, Portugal)
Luís Gafeira Gonçalves (ITQB-NOVA, Portugal)

Important deadlines:
- May 20th- Registration deadline for the Full Course (theoretical lectures + hands-on sessions)
- May 20th- Registration deadline for the Theoretical Course (theoretical lectures, only)

For registration, applicants should fill in the application form at:
 - for Full Course participation
 - for Theoretical Course participation
Upon acceptance in the course, registration will only be validated after payment of registration fee (instructions will be sent to all accepted participants).

Registration Fees:
Theoretical Course – 25€ (includes participation in the theoretical lectures, only, as well as access to theoretical course materials and participation certificate).
Full Course – 120€ (includes participation in the theoretical lectures and hands-on ssessions, as well as access to all course materials, coffee breaks, and participation certificate).

Course payment:
Upon acceptance in the course, participants will receive instructions concerning payment procedures for the course.

Organizing Committee:
Carla Cruz (CICS-UBI, Portugal)
Carla Fonseca (CICS-UBI, Portugal)
Pedro Lourenço (CICS-UBI, Portugal)

For any questions and further information: cics.nmr@fcsaude.ubi.pt

Course schedule:

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