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Espanhol A1

Código 12382
Ano 1
Semestre S1
Créditos ECTS 3
Carga Horária TP(60H)
Área Científica Letras
Learning outcomes This first semester of Spanish is a general introduction to the course and is aimed at those students who come to Spanish for the first time (beginners) and false beginners.
The dynamics and the methodology will take into account the integration of the four basic skills (listening comprehension, reading, oral and written expression) and will focus on grammatical aspects that present major difficulties for Portuguese students.
Syllabus -Greetings and presentations
-The alphabet: letters, sounds and spelling.
-Syllabic division and accentuation.
- Intonation, affirmation and denial.
-The numbers from 1 to 1000.
-Genuine, number and concordance of nouns and adjectives. Specific and indeterminate articles
-Prequest and give information: professions, nationalities, marital status, name, age, address, etc. Presence and absence of the personal pronoun (I, you, him).
-Demonstrative determinants (this, that, that).
-The hours, the days of the week.
- Physical and character description
-The family and the possessives.
-Present of indicative of regular verbs (-ar, -er, -ir) and irregular (be, be, do, have ...). Differentiation you-you.
- Hobbies, quantifiers (very, very, very much, etc.) and reflexive verbs (I like it, I love it).
-Description of places, city spaces and services. Vocabulary of the city (transport, food, accommodation and types, services). Basic conversations to develop [...]
Main Bibliography - Corpas, jaime; García, Eva; Garmendia, Agustín; Soriano, Carmen. Aula internacional 1: Curso de español. Ed. Difusión, Barcelona, 2005
- Borobio, Virgilio. Curso de español para extranjeros: Nuevo ELE. Incial. Ediciones SM, Madrid, 1992
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Data da última atualização: 2020-10-22
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