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  4. Espanhol A1

Espanhol A1

Código 12383
Ano 1
Semestre S2
Créditos ECTS 3
Carga Horária TP(60H)
Área Científica Letras
Learning outcomes This introductory course of Spanish (A1) is designed to those who had never studied it before, or, being the case, to those have forget it.
The metodology will integrate the four basic competences (Reading, listening, writing and speaking) in to the general comunicative competence, according to the Instituto Cervantes curriculum. The course will incides at the hardest learning aspects of the spanish language to the luso-speakers.

Syllabus - Salutations.
- The alphabet: letters, sounds and spelling.
- Syllabic division and accentuation rules.
- Intonation: interrogation, affirmation and denial
- Numbers.
- Gender, number, and concordance between sustantives and adjectives. Articles.
- Asking and providing informations: proffesions, nationality, civil state, name, age, directions, etc. Personal pronouns. Demostratives.
- Physical and psycological description.
- The hours, the months and the days of the week.
- The family. Possessives.
- Regular and irregular verbs. Present simple, past simple, past perfect, and near future. Differences between you and usted.
- Reflexive verbs. Likes and dislikes, free time activities. Quantifiers.
- Description: places, the city, and services. Transports, foods and accommodations.
- Basic conversation tools […]
Main Bibliography - Corpas, jaime; García, Eva; Garmendia, Agustín; Soriano, Carmen. Aula internacional 1: Curso de español. Ed. Difusión, Barcelona, 2005
- Borobio, Virgilio. Curso de español para extranjeros: Nuevo ELE. Incial. Ediciones SM, Madrid, 1992
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Data da última atualização: 2021-07-14
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