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  4. Métodos Numéricos e Física Computacional

Métodos Numéricos e Física Computacional

Código 13328
Ano 1
Semestre S2
Créditos ECTS 10
Carga Horária OT(30H)/TP(30H)
Área Científica Física e Matemática
Learning outcomes The objective of the UC is to familiarize students with the resources and practices currently used in the computational approach to scientific problems.
At the end of this UC, the student must demonstrate that they are able to:
- identify problems capable of computational resolution and choose appropriate numerical formulations
to that resolution;
- implement computational approaches to scientific problems in modern environments, including
multiprocessor systems, computer aggregates and distributed systems (cloud computing).
Syllabus 1. Numerical methods
Differential Equations in Physics
finite differences
Finite elements
finite volumes
Base function and error estimation
Stationary Problems: Elliptic Equations
Numerical methods and algorithms: diffusion equation
Numerical methods and algorithms: hyperbolic equations
2. Scientific computing
Version Management Systems (git)
Brief introduction to the C/C++ language
Interfaces between programs written in compiled and interpreted languages (C/Matlab, C/Python)
Parallel Computing in C/C++: OpenMP and MPI
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The accomplishment of a work and the discussion of the subjects allow an efficient learning in this level of education. The course unit lasts for one semester. The tutorial orientation is organized in such a way as to allow the gradual acquisition of knowledge and skills. The duration and structure of this curricular unit are like those adopted in equivalent curricular units of other Portuguese and European Universities.

Assessment at UC is based on a work to be carried out by the student, with oral presentation and discussion.
Main Bibliography B Chapman, G Jost, Rvd Pas 2008 Using OpenMP - Portable Shared Memory Parallel Programming, The
MIT Press
W Gropp, E Lusk, A Skjellum 2014 Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message-Passing
Interface 3ed, The MIT Press
RJ LeVeque 2004 Finite-Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, Cambridge Univ.Press
DL Logan 2012 A first course in the finite element method 5ed, Cengage Learning
J Pitt-Francis, J Whiteley 2012 Guide to Scientific Computing in C++, Springer
S Sirca, M Horvat 2012 Computational Methods for Physicists – Compendium for Students, Springer
G Wilson et al 2014 Best Practices for Scientific Computing (PLoS Biol 12, No. 1, e1001745)
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Data da última atualização: 2024-05-14
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