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Cinema e Outras Artes

Código 13576
Ano 1
Semestre S1
Créditos ECTS 6
Carga Horária OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Área Científica Cinema
Mode of delivery Face-to-face
Work placements None
Learning outcomes At the end of the course, the student must:
1 - Master the main criteria of differentiation and convergence of the arts
2 - Identify the place of cinema in the arts system and its complexity
3 - Be able to explore critically and creatively the connection between cinema and other arts, historically and contemporaneously
4 - Be able to reflect on the reciprocity of the articulation of cinema with the arts
Syllabus 1. Brief history of the arts in cinema

2. Singularities
2.1 One number: seven
2.2 An etymology: cine
2.3 A tension: writing
2.4 A design: gesamtkunstwerk
2.5 A decade: 1920
2.6 A visionary: Abel Gance
2.7 One sign: the 2001 monolith - A Space Odyssey
2.8 A plan: counterbalanced
2.9 A work: Histoire (s) du Cinema
2.10 A filmmaker: Andrei Tarkovski
2.11 An artist: Andy Warhol
2.12 A concept: Verfremdungseffekt
2.13 A contrast: chiaroscuro
2.14 A space: the white cube
2.15 An absence: the out-of-bounds
2.16 A phenomenon: Star Wars
2.17 A substance: light
2.18 A format: widescreen
2.19 An attempt: the essay
2.20 A look: the close-up

3. Affinities
3.1 Architecture
3.2 Sculpture
3.3 Painting
3.4 Poetry
3.5 Music
3.6 Dance
3.7 Theatre
3.8 Photography
3.9 Comics
3.10 Literature
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria 1. Exposition, contextualization and theoretical problematization.
2. Case studies.
3. Analysis, discussion and monitoring of the work.


The student must choose and carry out a work that can assume one of the following typologies:

Type 1
- Short film: fiction, documentary, experimental, animation, essay film, etc.

Type 2
- Paper

type 3
- Others (to be agreed with the teacher; ex: installation, comics, painting, poster, etc.)

Main Bibliography 1.1: Canudo, Ricciotto (1995), L’Usine aux Images, Séguier
1.2: Mannoni, Laurent (2003), A Grande Arte da Luz e da Sombra, Senac
1.3: Balazs, Bela (2010), Early Film Theory: The Visible Man and The Spirit of Film, Berghahn Books
1.4: Wagner, Richard. 2003. A Obra de Arte do Futuro. Antígona
1.5: AAVV (1979), Film as Film, Arts Council of Great Britain
1.6: Cuff, Paul. 2015. A Revolution for the Screen: Abel Gance’s Napoleon. Amsterdam University Press
1.7: Benson, Michael (2019), Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke and the Making of a Masterpiece, Simon & Schuster
1.8: Welch, David (2001), Propaganda and the German Cinema, IB Tauris
1.9: Witt, Michael (2013), Jean-Luc Godard, Cinema Historian, Indiana University Press
1.10: Tarkovski, Andrei (1989), Sculpting in Time, University of Texas Press
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Data da última atualização: 2023-10-11
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