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Estágio Integrado em Contabilidade

Código 14024
Ano 3
Semestre S2
Créditos ECTS 18
Carga Horária OT(30H)
Área Científica Contabilidade
Learning outcomes The main objectives of this course unit are the:
-Acquisition of specific and professionals skills related to the integration into the labour market and the exercise of the accountant profession.
- Acquisition of transversal skills that allow relating various course units.
- Acquisition of relational competencies associated with the teamwork and the development of capabilities in business context relationship.
Syllabus Students will be exposed to basic accounting procedures and principles ranging from accounts payable and receivable systems to financial statement, preparation, and analysis. Duties include but are not limited to: Assist in preparing financial statement and analysis; Involved with Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable functions; Assist in evaluating balance sheet account schedules and other monthly reporting; Taxes; and perform miscellaneous administrative duties as needed.
Main Bibliography Diverse
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Data da última atualização: 2023-05-11
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