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  4. Dissertação, Projecto Final ou Estágio com Relatório

Dissertação, Projecto Final ou Estágio com Relatório

Código 16537
Ano 2
Semestre A1
Créditos ECTS 52
Carga Horária OT(30H)
Área Científica Design Multimédia
Learning outcomes Ability to develop a multimedia design project, autonomously or as part of an internship, from research to planning, from concept to detail, from prototypes to post-production and presentation.
Ability to plan, structure and write a report summarizing the work or an internship report.
Ability to plan, structure, research and write a theoretical dissertation.
Ability to present and publicly defend the report or dissertation
Syllabus Defining a topic and object of study. Establishing a research plan. Developing an appropriate bibliographical review of the state of the art. Application of the design or theoretical research process. Collecting results and conclusions. Critical description and documentation of the work carried out. Writing the report or dissertation. Presentation of the internship, project or dissertation and its public defense.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The assessment process is governed by the applicable legislation and the institution's master's degree regulations, as well as the applicable rectorial orders. Assessment of dissertation, project, internship and respective report by jury.
Main Bibliography The bibliography will be defined according to the type, subject and object of study of the research to be carried out by each student.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Data da última atualização: 2024-02-13
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