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  4. Contemporary Social Theory

Contemporary Social Theory

Código 16720
Ano 1
Semestre S1
Créditos ECTS 6
Carga Horária TP(45H)
Área Científica Sociologia
Objectivos de Aprendizagem Outcome. Students should know the main ideas of the works of Karl Popper, Alfred Schutz, John Searle, Michel Foucault, Jurgen Habermas. Students should distinguish between different approaches to concepts: rationalism, social action, lifeworld, meaning, verification and falsification, truth, open society, disciplinary society, and also have an understanding of the principles of the development of scientific knowledge in the social sciences. Students should know what argumentation is, the structure and logical patterns of argumentation. Students should learn to identify arguments, evaluate argumentation, and highlight manipulations in argumentation.
Conteúdos programáticos 1. Social thought 1.1. Karl Popper, critical rationalism. 1.2. Alfred Schutz, social phenomenology. 1.3. John Searle, political action and the problem of free will. 1.4. Michel Foucault, order of social discourse and power. 1.5. Jürgen Habermas, communicative rationality and moral foundations of society. 2. Critical thinking 2.1 . Universal intellectual standards and intellectual qualities 2.2. Critical thinking, scientific thinking and methods of social sciences 2.3. Formal logic to reduce the uncertainty of thinking 2.4. Argumentation and manipulation.
Metodologias de Ensino e Critérios de Avaliação Methods: lectures, seminars, discussions, writing an analytical essay
Bibliografia principal Foucault M. (1994) The Order of Things: An archaeology of the human sciences. Routledge Classics Habermas J. (1984) The theory of communicative action. Boston : Beacon Press Karl R. Popper (1994). The Myth of the Framework: In Defence of Science and Rationality.  London and New York: Routledge. Schutz A. (2014) Life Forms and Meaning Structure. Routledge Walton D. (2006) Fundamentals of Critical Argumentation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Língua Português
Data da última atualização: 2024-01-18
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