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  3. Jorge Humberto Canastra Marum
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Jorge Humberto Canastra Marum

Professor/a Auxiliar

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Diretor/a do(s) curso(s)

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em conferência/Conference paper

    1. Marum, Jorge; Jular, Jorge Ramos. "Fernando Távora y la localización del Estilo Internacional.". 2016.
    2. Marum, J.; Ribeiro, Daniela. "Diane Arbus, Thomas Ruff and Fernando Guerra. Photogenic on the Portrait Photography and Architectural Photography". 2015.
    3. Marum, Jorge; Ribeiro, Daniela. "Diane Arbus, Thomas Ruff e Fernando Guerra. Fotogenia Relativa da Fotografia de Retrato e de Arquitectura.". 2015.

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. Marum, Jorge. "Photographing the altered identity of landscapes. Indexed Clarivate". Sophia Journal - Architecture, Art and Image, indexed in Clarivate, DOAJ, REDIB, Croayref, Latindex, ERIHPLUS (2022) url
    2. Neto, Maria; Canastra Marum, Jorge. "Cit(y)zenship hiatus. The (inevitable?) aporia between spaces of protection and citizenship rights in refugee camps in protracted situations. Indexed SCOPUS". RITA_revista indexada de textos académicos (2022) url
    3. Leão Neto, Pedro; Canastra Marum, Jorge. "Visual spaces of change. Entre lo real y lo imaginado. El papel de la fotografía y de la manipulación de la imagen en el debate crítico sobre arquitectura y el espacio publico - Indexed SCOPUS". RITA_revista indexada de textos académicos (2021) url

    Capítulo de livro/Book chapter

    1. Marum, Jorge. "Da concepção à comunicação de uma ideia. Projecto, analogia e representação.". In Linha do Horizonte 4. Portugal, 2016.

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    Jorge Humberto Canastra Marum, born in Matosinhos in 1979, has built an extensive career in academia and researchHe was a FCT research fellow in 2006 and currently holds a position as a tenured Assistant Professor at the University of Beira Interior''s Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Celebrating 20 years of teaching in the Architecture course at UBI, his teaching expertise is recognized internationally, having served as a visiting lecturer at TUDelft in the Netherlands, ETSAVA in Valladolid, the Dipartimento di Culture del Progetto at Università Iuav di Venezia, National Technical University of Athens, and Faculty of Architecture at the University of PortoMarum is the coordinator of the 5th year and teaches ''Design V'' at UBI''s Integrated Master in Architecture, and he also leads the optional course ''Architectural Design Communication''He lectures and oversees the ''Design and Building Seminar I'' in UBI''s Doctoral Program in Architecture. Throughout his tenure, he has taught various theoretical and practical subjects, primarily in Architectural Design courses, occasionally branching out to ''Urban Design'' and ''Drawing and Geometry'' from the 1st to the 5th year at UBI¿s Master in Architecture. His research involvement is as significant as his teaching. He is the lead researcher on the R&D project in collaboration with the public administration, titled "Research and Architectural Practice Project for the creation of the Trancoso Museum, Rehabilitation of the Solar dos Costas, Lopes e Tavares, and Requalification of Largo Doutor Eduardo Cabral," Ref. MDT-R2-2020, and on the project "Research and Dissemination on the Architectural and Cultural Heritage of the Historic Center of Trancoso" Ref. PAT-CHT-2019/CVP-730110000-6, ongoing since 2020He also participates in the international R&D project "Planimetric, spatial and photogrammetric analysis of pioneering audiovisual installations in the Iberian Peninsula since 1975" Ref. PGC2018-095359-B-I00 (UV-ETSA) funded by Spain''s Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities and the "Contrast: Network of multidisciplinary artistic initiatives in Art, Architecture, Design and Photography" (FAUP-ACC) financed by DGArtes. As a researcher, he has conducted scientific research evaluations as an expert member of the Erasmus+ Program''s R&D project proposals and final report evaluators'' pool for 2021-2027 and as an expert of the Santander Scientific Initiation Scholarship evaluators'' poolHe coordinated a highly rated R&D Unit and a 4.5 million euros architectural project obtained through an agreement between UBI and the public administration (Ref. MDT-R2-2020) Trancoso Municipality. Marum has supervised several Master''s dissertations in Architecture and currently mentors 2 Ph.D. students with FCT-funded scholarships. Several of these dissertations have been awarded scientific merit prizes in national and international student competitions, like the Valor Pneu Award and Archiprix Portugal, reflecting the scientific community''s recognition.

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    20235th Prize in the Design Competition IHRU Housing complex project on Avenida Joaquim Campos - Instituto da Habitação e Reabilitação Urbana, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    20201st Prize in the Ideas Competition for the construction of the Cinema Studios of the Department of Arts of the University of Beira Interior - Reitoria da Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Portugal
    2019Recognition of Merit in the ARCHIPRIX-Portugal 2019 Competition as Final Course Project/Dissertation Advisor for student Rui Ferreira - ARCHIPRIX-Portugal, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    20192nd Place in the Competition limited by invitation for the construction of the Private Hospital and Senior Residence of Bragança, promoted by the Hospital Terra Quente S.A. Group. - Grupo Hospital Terra Quente S.A., Mirandela, Mirandela, Portugal
    2011Menção Honrosa no Prémio Inovação ValorPneu como Coorientador Científico do trabalho de Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura da aluna Maria Neto - ValorPneu Sociedade sem fins lucrativos, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    20081º Prémio no Concurso para a Construção da Cobertura da Maternidade Júlio Diniz, no Porto - Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto EPE Maternidade Júlio Dinis, Porto, Porto, Portugal
    20074º Prémio no Concurso Internacional de Arquitectura para o Edifício do Centro de Negócios INTERMINHO em Valença
    20071st Prize in the International Architecture Competition for a Conceptual Memorial Centre for Mother Theresa in Skopje. Promovido pelo Ministério da Cultura da República da Macedónia, by the Vatican and Mother Theresa Charity - Ministério da Cultura da República da Macedónia, Skopje, Skopje, Macedónia
    Outra distinção
    2018Finalist in the ARCHIPRIX-Portugal 2018 Competition as Final Course Project/Dissertation Advisor for student Marilisa Silva - ARCHIPRIX-Portugal, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    2016Project selected and funded in the ''Competition to support UBI''s extra-curricular activities'' "Technical Publications" area. BRANCA Journal of Architecture - Banco Santander Portugal, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    2015Finalist in the ARCHIPRIX-Portugal 2015 Competition as Final Course Project/Dissertation Advisor for student Fábio Ferreira - ARCHIPRIX-Portugal, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
    2014Menção Honrosa no Concurso Internacional de Fotografia Photo Contest Under Construction do Collegi d''Arquitectes de Catalunya - Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya Demarcació de Tarragona, Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanha
    2006FCT Research Grant entitled ''New technologies for teaching Engineering and Architecture'' - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    Documentation and mapping of Covilhã''s industrial heritage. Construction and transformation of an urban identity. Doctoral Research Project UNITA/FCT (UBI-UNIZAR-FAUP) UNITA2023-2_CH3-JM (Em curso)


    Mapping and Documentation of the Industrial Heritage of Covilhã Património Arquitectónico (Em curso)


    BNAUT/PRR Architecture and Research Project through the CMF/FAUP/UBI Cooperation Agreement Cooperation Agreement UBI-CMF-FAUP (Em curso)
    DIGITALSTAGE. Aálisis espacial de instalaciones escenográficas digitales del siglo XXI PID2021-123974NB-I00 (Em curso)
    Aálisis planimétrico, espacial y fotogramétrico de instalaciones audiovisuales pioneras en la Península Ibérica desde 1975 PGC2018-095359-B-I00 (Concluído)



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