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  3. Abel João Padrão Gomes
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Abel João Padrão Gomes

Professor/a Catedrático/a

Sector — Cargos/Funções

Departamento de Informática Docente do Departamento de Informática

IT-UBI | Instituto de Telecomunicações Investigador/a

Diretor/a do(s) curso(s)

Publicações Científicas Mais Recentes

(Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)

    Artigo em revista/Journal article

    1. Macro S. V. M. Grinet; Ana I. R. Gouveia; Abel J. P. Gomes. "Machine learning in breast cancer imaging: a review on data, models and methods". Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization (2024) url
    2. Ribeiro, Madalena; Gomes, Abel. "RGBeat: A Recoloring Algorithm for Deutan and Protan Dichromats". International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (2023) url
    3. Quyen, Nguyen T.; Quoc, Nguyen Trong; Tru, Nguyen Dinh; Gomes, Abel J.P.; Ferreira, Fernando B.N. "A Node-Based Strain Smoothing Technique for Free Vibration Analysis of Textile-Like Sheet Materials". Solid State Phenomena (2022) url
    4. Quyen, Nguyen T.; Quoc, Nguyen Trong; Tru, Nguyen Dinh; Gomes, Abel J.P.; Ferreira, Fernando B.N. "An Alpha Finite Element Method for Linear Static and Buckling Analysis of Textile-Like Sheet Materials". Solid State Phenomena (2022) url
    5. Goncalo N. P. Amador; Abel J. P. Gomes. "Bounded-Search Pathfinders Based on Influence Maps Generated by Attractors and Repulsors". IEEE Transactions on Games (2021) url

    Nota Biográfica

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    Abel J. P. Gomes is a Full Professor at Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI)He is a member of IEEE, ACM, ACM/SIGGRAPH, and EurographicsHe was General Co-chair of the 37th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics''2016), Lisbon, Portugal, 2016, as well as Program Co-chair of the 2018 Shape Modeling International (SMI''16) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018He is Associate Editor of the Computers & Graphics journal (Elsevier) and also of the International Journal of Computer Games Technology (Hindawi/Wiley)He has (co)authored more than 100 in peer-reviewed international publicationsAs a supervisor, he completed sixteen PhDs. Currently he is supervising two PhDs: (1) surface reconstruction from 3D point clouds through deep learning; (2) breast cancer medical imaging through deep learningTherefore, his current research fields are geometric computing, computer graphics, medical imaging, and, more recently, virtual reality.

    Distinções e Prémios

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)
    2021Sigma Xi Full Member by Anonymous Nomination - Sigma Xi the Scientific Research Society, Research Triangle Park, NC, Estados Unidos
    2017Article''s Honorable Mention
    2015Best Paper Award

    Projectos e Financiamentos

    (Informação importada da plataforma CiênciaVitae)


    QUANTUM-TOX - Revolutionizing Computational Toxicology with Electronic Structure Descriptors and Artificial Intelligence 101130724 (Em curso)
    miraASSETS - Structural Management System of Industrial Assets CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-113462 (Em curso)
    Algorithms for Macro-Molecular Pocket Detection UTAP-EXPL/QEQ-COM/0019/2014 (Concluído)
    MOGGY - Browser-Based Massive Multiplayer Online Game Engine Architecture PTDC/EIA/70830/2006 (Concluído)
    DEFORMIX - A Geometric Kernel for Deformable Implicit Surfaces and its Applications to Computer Games, Animation and Virtual Reality PTDC/EIA/70750/2006 (Concluído)



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