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UBI postmaster (Humanitarian) Architecture, Infrastructure and (Incremental) Housing for Crisis - Opening Day Program


  16 de fevereiro de 2024


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Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) announces the opening of the postmaster (Humanitarian) Architecture, Infrastructure and (Incremental) Housing for Crisis, a course focused on some of the central crises affecting the world today.

The postmaster, meant for professionals acting in the humanitarian response such as architects, civil engineers or medical doctors, mainly concentrates on the problems experienced by the most vulnerable people and communities affected by climate change, extreme weather events, and disasters in general, including biological ones.

During the first day of the postmaster, roundtable discussions will take place and the Module coordinators will showcase information about their modules.

The online opening session will commence at 9:30 AM and continue until 6:30 PM, with a one-hour break between 1:00 and 2:00 PM.

Program Day 1 (online) February 16th 

9:30 AM:  Brief course presentation by A.Nuno Martins (UBI), course director;  UBI's research centre presentations, CIAUD-UBI, by coordinator Rita Ochoa and C-Made, by coordinator João Castro Gomes;

10:00 AM: Course partners' contribution, Table of discussion, round 1: Discussion on the significance of a multidisciplinary postmaster on humanitarian architecture and its multiple dimensions against the current planetary crisis scenario - is this really about architecture?

11:45 AM Coffee break

12:00 PM: Course modules' coordinator; presentation of modules

1:00 PM: Lunch break

2:00 PM: Course modules' coordinators; presentation of modules

2:30 PM: Course partners' contribution, Table of discussion, round 2: Discussion on the significance of a multidisciplinary postmaster on humanitarian architecture and its multiple dimensions against the current planetary crisis scenario - is this really about architecture?

4:30 PM: Coffee break - participants networking

5:00 PM: Course modules' coordinators; presentation of modules

5:55 PM  António Albuquerque, Head of Department DECA)- welcome message

6:00 PM  Presentation of GeoBioTec@UBI by Vitor Cavaleiro (coord.) and António Albuquerque. 

6:05 PM: Participants' contributions - time for sharing and inquiring.

6:30 PM: Finishing

More information

Architecture, Infrastructure and Incremental Housing for Crisis

Esta informação promove os seguintes Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU:
Construir infraestruturas resilientes, promover a industrialização inclusiva e sustentável e fomentar a inovação Reduzir as desigualdades no interior dos países e entre países Tornar as cidades e comunidades inclusivas, seguras, resilientes e sustentáveis

Data da última atualização: 2024-02-16
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