The Health Sciences Research Centre (CICS-UBI) is a research unit of University of Beira Interior (UBI), located at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS) and funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). CICS-UBI mission is to carry out high-quality basic, applied and translational biomedical research, to offer advanced training opportunities and scientific careers, to promote education for the community and transfer of knowledge to the biomedical industry and society.
CICS-UBI research has an integrative and multidisciplinary nature at the crossroads of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, and aims at a better understanding, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of some of the high-burden diseases of modern societies. The research activity is focused on the characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of neurological and neurovascular diseases, endocrine-related disorders, and cancer, for the identification of new disease biomarkers and therapeutic targets. CICS-UBI research also pursues the development of novel drugs, biopharmaceuticals, and biomaterials with potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications, as well as, new delivery methods, to solve unmet clinical problems and improve quality of life. An added value of CICS-UBI is the continuous empowerment of its inter- and multidisciplinary research, having strong bonds between basic, applied, and translational research, which places it in a privileged position to meet the current societal challenges in accordance with the objectives for sustainable development of the United Nations Agenda 2030.
The organizational structure includes four research groups:
- Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials (BB);
- Biomedicinal Chemistry and Drug Research (BCDR);
- Hormones and Metabolism (H&M);
- Neurologic and Neurovascular Disorders (NND).
Despite the specific aims and experimental approaches of the BB, BCDR, H&M, and NND research groups, strong networking exists with the possibility of knowledge produced by one research group being applied in collaborative research.
Scientific Coordinator: Luís Manuel Taborda Barata
Avenida Infante D. Henrique
6200-506 Covilhã
Phone +351 275 329 001 - National Phone Call
uBibliorum | Coleção do CICS - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde
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