Profile of the programme
The educational objectives that guide the organization of the Degree in Engineering and Industrial Management are, above all, the enhancement of human resources and the pedagogical and scientific consolidation of the Scientific Areas that are core to Engineering and Industrial Management. The educational objectives also aim at adapting to a range of professional opportunities. Graduates in Industrial Engineering and Management will be able to develop their activities as part of intermediate staff in industrial and service companies, but it is recommended that they subsequently enroll in the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, so that specialist senior staff can develop their activities as part of companies, industrial or services. |
Key learning outcomes
- Acquire knowledge to manage people, equipments and goods, seeking to optimize resources and consequently increase productivity; - Establish a strong integration between scientific, technological and management knowledge; - Develop multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary skills that initially support the role of middle management, and later in the role of specialist in the field of engineering and industrial management; - Develop skills to perform a wide range of technical engineering and management functions; - Develop skills with a view to multi- and interdisciplinary teamwork; - Endowment by trainees of skills and culture for the development of their professional activity in all contexts in which economic and social activities and the life of the citizen take place. |
Occupational profiles of graduates
According to official data, in general terms the level of unemployment (6.6) in this area (Cod CNAEF 529) is lower than the general level of unemployment (8.6), as well as lower than the unemployment level of the UBI Institution ( 9.3). Regarding the degree course, and Integrated Masters, at national level, the unemployment level varies between 0 and 8.3, with an average of 3.0 |
Learning facilities
10 Laboratories (Automation, Robotics, Mechanical Technology, Materials, Electrotechnics, Electrical Machines, Thermodynamics and Energy, Instrumentation and Measurement, Thermal Machines, Fluid Mechanics, Digital Systems and Electronics). 3 PC rooms (100 terminals) for teaching Programming, Computer Aided Design, Electromechanical Design. Computerized library with more than 80 000 books, and hundreds of computer workstations. 2 Workshops for curricular and extra-curricular works 6 Classrooms and 4 Amphitheatres reserved for the Course. University Residences with more than 800 beds. Canteens and Snack Bars Sports facilities for various sports. Medical and nursing office.