Profile of the programme
The course objectives meet the requirements established by Article 5 of the Decree-Law n. º 74/2006 of 24 March, aimed at providing to graduates in Economics, UBI, conditions of training and professional integration identical to those of their peers in national and European reference schools in the training area economy.
The course aims the overall development of learning skills, analysis, implementation, evaluation and transferability of knowledge (using the concepts, theories, techniques and methods of resolution and analysis in various areas of economics, financial economics and monetary, economic Growth, Industrial Economics, Economics and public Finance, International Economics, Financial Accounting, ...) to solve economic problems in new concrete contexts, serving as a key pillar in the training of the person throughout their working lives . |
Key learning outcomes
Generic skills are set out as follows:
Knowledge and Understanding: A - Understands the organization of the economic and markets, its purpose, its structure, operating conditions and its dynamics; B - Includes a profile of different agents, consumers, producers, companies, and other state institutions in determining their economic performance at different levels of analysis: microeconomic, macroeconomic, sectoral, spatial and temporal; C - Identifies sources, selects and collects relevant information for economic analysis: primary, published available, sectoral, regional, national and international; D - Includes tools for quantitative analysis to convert this information into knowledge appropriate to the study of problems in the real economy; E - Includes the aims, ideas, concepts, structures, areas of analysis, methods and techniques conveyed in the theoretical and empirical economic literature used in the learning process; F - Interprets for potential use, results published in various sources of production and scientific institutions in the field of economics (articles, reports, studies, law, etc.).
Intellectuals I - Organizes collection of publications that reflect the state of the art for the study of specific economic problems; J - Structure frames impact assessment of economic and exogenous factors; L - Analyzes transmission channels of the effects of economic variables and their interdependencies; M - principles of economic theory relates to the formulation of economic policy;
Q - Demonstrates ability to design, organization, execution of empirical studies, using standardized methods and techniques; R - Reveals ability to selection and use of quantitative techniques and proficiency in numerical analysis, graphical and diagrammatic economic issues appropriate to their level of training; S - Demonstrates competence in oral and written communication, presentation content, preparing papers and reports; T - Prepares and analyzes feasibility studies and economic and financial performance of companies, developing and reviewing reports and maps of accounting and financial statements of companies reporting economic analyzes of national and international organizations and economic studies of theoretical, empirical and policy economic; U - Applies techniques of measurement and evaluation of economic performance, including level of economic activity, output growth and prices, cyclical fluctuations, processes of structural change and the impact of policies and shocks at the macro and micro, sectoral and spatial;
Transferability V - Applies concepts and tools of economic analysis in addressing new developments and in different contexts; Y - Demonstrates proficiency in communicating ideas, concepts, methods and results of the economic analysis and the use of supporting technologies and capacity adequacy of the contents of the communication process and the specificity of its purpose, audience and context. |
Occupational profiles of graduates
Training in Economics gives its graduates the option of a professional activity from a significant diversity of career paths in public and private agencies, industrial firms, financial companies, service companies, independent professionals and constitution by a former student of his own company in various activities. Set out as pathways and potential employers: • Senior officials of central public administration bodies (general directorates, departments of planning and foresight, financial, statistical, administrative and other) and local (administrative departments, financial and technical Municipal Councils and Municipal Services). • Senior officials of EU bodies and other international organizations. • Senior officials of business and professional associations • Senior officials of Banks, Investment Companies, Insurance Companies, Corporations and Financial remedial Brokerage companies and other financial intermediation. • Senior personnel of industrial enterprises in its various functional units (commercial department and procurement, administrative and financial, marketing, ...) • Senior business services (distribution, consulting and audit, ...) • senior in education. • Professional independent consultant in the areas of financial, accounting, tax, among others. • Entrepreneur in industry or services. |
Learning facilities
As support structures, the students of 1st cycle economics have, among others, the following: Central Library of UBI (200 computer workstations, open from 9 am to 23 pm); Library and online resources (among other B-On offers e-books and periodicals with access to abstracts and full text access to databases and statistics INE); Library Unit of Social Sciences and Humanities, Polo IV (Ernesto Cruz - Monday to Friday - from 9:00 am to 08:00 pm, Saturday - 10:00 am to 02:00 pm); European Documentation Centre (Central Library); Computer centers (two centers, one of which is open 24 hours/day over the week); e-UBI (e-Learning platform: provides digital content and ensures interaction teacher-student and student-student 24 hours x 365 days); Digital services: network (wired and wireless internal and external) and permanent access to the Internet (with e-mail, telnet, and www) |