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Industrial Chemistry

 1st Cycle Degree     Departamento de Química [Portuguese]

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Study plan   Industrial Chemistry


Rótulo Texto
DGES code
CNAEF classification 524 | Decree no. 256/2005 [PT]
Publication in the Portuguese Official Gazette Order no. 2050/2023 | DR 2nd series, no. 30, 10 February
Assessment/Accreditation/Registration A3ES Accreditation, 27-07-2022
Self-assessment Report
Initial registry: R/A-Ef 1315/2011 de 18-03-2011
Mode of study Daytime
ECTS 180
Other information Statistics [PT]

National Access Competition  

Label Texto
Admission Requirements
Vacancies 20 (2024)
Lowest Admission Grade 118.8 (1.ª fase 2023)


Label Texto
Profile of the programme At the end of the 1st cycle, students should have acquired the skills needed to develop a professional activity at analysis and research laboratories in the areas of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environment.
Thus, the objectives are:
-Instill in students an interest in learning of chemistry in its multiple aspects
-Give to the students a solid basis of knowledge in Chemistry and in practical performance in laboratory activities
-Encourage students to be autonomous in the application of acquiring skills to
solve practical and theoretical problems
-Encourage the students to the need for personal enhancement, the ability to analyze,
reasoning, decision making, teamwork, domain of a foreign language, citizenship and civic involvement
-Provide students with a knowledge basis that will enable them to continue their
studies independently
-Generate in students the ability to appreciate the importance of chemistry in the industrial, economic, environmental and social context
Key learning outcomes The skills proposed for the 1st cycle of studies in Industrial Chemistry are divided into specific and cross skills.
Capacity of analysis, synthesis and argumentation
Capacity for organization and planning
Know a second language
Team work
Ability to communicate orally and/or written
Capacity for autonomy in learning
Ability to adapt to new situations and decision-making
Have basic computer knowledge
Handle reagents and equipment with propriety and respect for
safety rules
Select the material and / or equipment suitable for measurements
Ability to perform the calculations required for the preparation of solutions
Know the main aspects of chemical terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units
Know the principles and procedures used in chemical analysis and characterization of
chemical compounds
Know and relate the variation of the characteristic properties of chemical elements and
compounds to their position in the Periodic Table
Know and implement the main techniques of structural investigation, in particular spectroscopic methods
Characterize the different states of matter and know the theories used to describe them
Apply the thermodynamic principles in chemistry
Know the kinetics of chemical reactions, including catalysis and interpret mechanisms
of chemical reactions
Recognize the functional groups in organic molecule, as well as their nature and
Know the properties of aliphatic, aromatic, heterocyclic and organometallic compounds
Establish the main synthetic routes in organic chemistry
Relate the macroscopic properties to the properties of individual atoms and molecules, including macromolecules, colloids, and other materials
Know the instrumental techniques of analysis and its applications
Establish mass and energy balances
Know the fundamentals of the major unit operations in chemical engineering
Apply the knowledge to solving qualitative and quantitative problems, by models previously developed
Produce, present and argue, both in oral and written communications, reports
and technical advice to audiences consisting of experts and no experts
Perform "standard" laboratory procedures in analysis and synthesis works,
involving organic and inorganic systems
Observe, follow and measure chemical properties, events or changes and register them systematically and reliably and interpret it
Interpret and implement environmental management standards and act upon the industrial wastewater treatment operations.
Know and dominate the various information sources, including databases, technical literature and perform literature searches
Develop independently experimental work and interpret the results.
Occupational profiles of graduates Companies related to environmental impact studies and pollution control.
Food industry, including processing, storage and food preservation.
Quality control of raw materials and products.
Analysis and water treatment.
Waste treatment.
Marketing of chemicals and equipment.
Consultants in private companies, municipalities or public entities.
Laboratories for chemical analyzes.
Scientific research.
Learning facilities The Chemistry Department is equipped for teaching and research activities in various branches of chemistry, in particular:
- Environmental Chemistry
- Chemistry of Natural Products
- Organic Synthesis
- Carbohydrates Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Applied Electrochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Solution Chemistry
- Chemical Technology
In addition to the research labs, there are specific infrastructures, including Laboratories of
Microscopy, Image Analysis and x-Ray.
There are other general infrastructures in the University such as:
-Central Library, where databases of journals and scientific conferences are also available and
can be downloaded
- Computer Rooms (open 24 h)
- Networks service (internal and external)
- Continuous Internet access service (email, telnet and www).
- Cantines and bars
- Residences
- Students Union Room

Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]

Departamento de Química

Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã
275 242 021
275 319 730

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Maria João Coito de Jesus Nunes
 [Ficheiro Local]
Mobility coordinator
Lucia Silva


Scientific Committee
Maria João Coito de Jesus Nunes
Ana Maria Carreira Lopes
Ana Maria Matos Ramos
Arlindo Caniço Gomes
Maria José Alvelos Pacheco
Sandra Cristina de Pinto Vaz

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
Maria João Coito de Jesus Nunes

Year Coordinators
Ana Maria Matos Ramos (1st)
Arlindo Caniço Gomes (2nd)
Ana Maria Carreira Lopes (3rd)

Year Representatives

Catarina Amaral Pedroso (1st)
Beatriz Mariana Domigues Gaspar (2nd)
Mariana Ferreira Alípio (3rd)

Recognition Committee
Maria João Coito de Jesus Nunes
Ana Maria Carreira Lopes
Maria José Alvelos Pacheco
Maria Lúcia Almeida da Silva
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2014-08-07

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