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Computer Science and Engineering

 2nd Cycle Degree     Departamento de Informática [Portuguese]

Info Assessment/Accreditation Access About Contacts Coordinator(s) Comissions
Study plan   Computer Science and Engineering


Rótulo Texto
DGES code
CNAEF classification 523 | Decree no. 256/2005 [PT]
Mode of study Daytime
ECTS 120



Rótulo Texto
Assessment/Accreditation/Registration A3ES Acreditation, 01-04-2020
Self-assessment Report
Initial registry: R/A-Ef 1332/2011 de 18-03-2011
Changes registry: R/A-Ef 1332/2011/AL01 de 02-09-2014 | R/A-Ef 1332/2011/AL02 de 05-06-2020
Publication in the Portuguese Official Gazette Order no. 9165/2020 | DR 2nd series, no. 188, 25 september

General Access Regime  

Label Texto
Admission Requirements
Vacancies 50 (2024)


Label Texto
Profile of the programme The second cycle of studies leading to the Masters degree in Computer
Engineering intends to form future engineers with a solid knowledge and
the appropriate skills for the current labor market, as well as providing
them with a basis for the frequency of the third cycle of studies (PhD) in
Computer Engineering.
The modules/courses were thought of to articulate teaching, learning, and
research, being encouraged the integration and contact of the students
with research groups of the Department of Computer Engineering. The
ultimate objective of this master course is thus to develop in the
students the critical sense and skills in the problem solving, enabling
them to perform the engineering acts in Computer Engineer according to the
standards of the professional boards for engineers at international level,
in Europe and worldwide.
Key learning outcomes At the end of the Masters degree in computer engineering, the graduate should be able to:
• Analyze, design, and implement computer networks;
• Configure and manage computer networks and Internet services they provided;
• Develop applications for the Internet;
• Analyze, design, and audit secure systems;
• Know the basics of encryption and security protocols;
• Analyze and design complex computer systems;
• Develop applications for distributed environments;
• Manage, configure, and use computer systems;
• Design visual biometric systems;
• Create systems for integrating image synthesis and analysis;
• Design simulators, prototypes, and virtual environments and games;
• Design highly usable interfaces for human interaction with computer;
• Know and use automatic techniques to solve problems;
• Extract knowledge from data;
• Design adaptable systems to solve complex problems;
• Design systems that interact with humans using natural interfaces;
• Develop programs that are correct from their conception;
• Use different programming paradigms and their most representative languages;
• Know and use the fundamentals of computing and quantum information;
• To analyze and design complex information systems;
• Be able of modeling data and using it in information systems;
• Enforce information security in information systems;
• Manage and optimize databases;
• Manage information systems;
• Work within a team and take responsibility for the development of tasks;
• Synthesize and present in public topics addressed in the course;
• Motivate the ability for long life learning;
• Demonstrate knowledge in research techniques and technologies, being able to use them.
Occupational profiles of graduates The training and knowledge acquired along the masters in computer engineering allows the master to perform their professional activity under the following designations: network engineer, computer network engineer, applications and services engineer, cloud computing specialist, specialist in data center technologies, systems administrator, systems engineer, systems architect, exploration analyst, computer security engineer, multimedia software engineer, multimedia systems engineer, ergonomist engineer, expert in human-computer interaction, specialist in 3D graphics applications and video games, expert in analysis and image synthesis, knowledge engineer, engineer of decision support systems, expert in data mining, data administrator, expert in programming languages, information systems architect, software solutions consultant, information systems engineer, Web and e-commerce specialist, and researcher in computer engineering.
Learning facilities Students have a wide range of available infrastructures, either for learning support, such as the Central Library (with 200 workstations, open from 9 a.m. to 23 p.m.) and a study room at the Computer Science department, or specific to the course, such as the laboratories for classes:
- 3 laboratories for practical classes on software (with 30 computers per classroom)
- A laboratory for practical classes on hardware (digital systems and computer architecture)
- A laboratory for practical classes on computer networking and Internet (routers, switches, copper and
optical fiber wiring, and wireless communications).
In addition, the students have access to the infrastructure provided by various research groups:
ALLAB, IT-Covilhã HULTIG, MediaLab, NetGNA, NMCG, Regain, Release, SEGAL and SociaLab (see
Students also have permanent and free wireless access to the Internet and its services within the entire campus, including in the university residences.
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]

Erasmus+ Agreements

Erasmus Agreements
  • Žilinská univerzita v Žiline • Eslováquia • Duration: S
  • École d'Ingénieurs Généraliste du Numérique • França • Duration: S
  • Université Savoie Mont Blanc • França • Duration: A
  • Università degli Studi di Salerno • Itália • Duration: S
  • Panstwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nysie • Polónia • Duration: A
  • Politechnika Bialostocka • Polónia • Duration: A
  • Politechnika Krakowska im. Tadeusza Kosciuszki • Polónia • Duration: S
  • Uniwersytet Rzeszowski • Polónia • Duration: S
  • Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara • Roménia • Duration: S
  • Universitatea Politehnica din Bucure?ti • Roménia • Duration: S
  • Universitatea Transilvania din Bra?ov • Roménia • Duration: S
  • Ankara Bilim Üniversitesi • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Firat Üniversitesi • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Munzur Üniversitesi • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Mus Alparslan Üniversitesi • Turquia • Duration: S

Departamento de Informática

Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã
275 242 081
275 319 899

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa


Scientific Committee
Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa
Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro
Frutuoso Gomes Mendes da Silva
Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais
João Carlos Raposo Neves
Paul Andrew Crocker

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa
Year Coordinators
João Paulo da Costa Cordeiro (1st)
Mário Marques Freire (2nd)
Year Representatives
Vasco Ferrinho Lopes (1st)
Rui Miguel da Silva Santos (2nd)

Recognition Committee
Maria Manuela Areias da Costa Pereira de Sousa
Sebastião Augusto Rodrigues Figueiredo Pais
João Carlos Raposo Neves
Paul Andrew Crocker
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2014-08-07

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