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 2nd Cycle Degree     Departamento de Gestão e Economia [Portuguese]

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Study plan   Economics

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Vacancies 30 (2024)


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Profile of the programme (a) further methodological knowledge and techniques in the field of economic theory at an advanced level in key areas of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics of, Calculus for Economists, and the areas of Applied Economics, Financial Economics and Industrial Economics; (b) Update and deepen the knowledge in these areas to the level acquired in undergraduate courses, (c) provide the methodologies and techniques needed to analyze and research in key areas of theoretical economics and applied, (d) Training in use of software to support econometric techniques and other disciplines of economic fundamental to the achievement of scientific research, (e) obtain a solid basic training for the further study of the areas above, as well as in basic quantitative techniques for performing research in economics, eventually leading to the award of a doctorate degree.
Key learning outcomes 1. At the end of the course the student should be able to apply the scientific method to solve problems.
2. At the end of the course the student should be able to apply algorithms to solve problems and obtain valid solutions.
3. At the end of the course students should be able to use audiovisual equipment to support an oral presentation.
Occupational profiles of graduates The 2nd Cycle (Master) in economics provides advanced skills in microeconomics, macroeconomics, applied economics and quantitative and qualitative methods, and prepares students for a career in academia and research (PhD), as senior economists in the private and public sectors or the development of own business projects. The 2nd training course in economics also provides obtaining the Diploma of Advanced Studies in Economics, Diploma of Specialized Studies in Economics.
Learning facilities The Department of Management and Economics (DGE) is located in the IV pole at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and makes available to the entire academic community the following structures and equipment: - Library of Social Sciences and Humanities - Bibliographic databases on online: ISI Web of Knowledge Platform (Wok); Knowledge Library on-line (B-On), which has 3500 of six scientific journals publishing full text, ProQuest database (primary database of scientific articles Management). - CEFAGE-UBI and NECE research centers that are inserted into the structure of the University of Beira Interior, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. - Access point to the INE (National Statistics Institute) and the European Documentation Centre at the Central Library. - Computer Rooms with specific software (SPSS, EViews, Amos, Microfit) and updated hardware. - Office with Wireless and network points. - Bar / Restaurant.
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]
Course Regulation

Erasmus+ Agreements

Erasmus Agreements
  • University of Namur • Bélgica • Duration: A
  • FH Worms University of Applied Sciences • Alemanha • Duration: S
  • Universidad de Leon • Espanha • Duration: A
  • Universidad de Zaragoza • Espanha • Duration: S
  • University of Ioannina • Grécia • Duration: S
  • University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara • Itália • Duration: S
  • Sapienza Università di Roma • Itália • Duration: S
  • Universitá degli Studi di Torino • Itália • Duration: S
  • Universitá Degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bc • Itália • Duration: A
  • Universitá degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale • Itália • Duration: S
  • South-East European University • Macedónia (antiga República Jugoslava da) • Duration: S
  • University of Gdansk • Polónia • Duration: S
  • University of Lodz • Polónia • Duration: A
  • Opole University • Polónia • Duration: S
  • University of Rzeszów • Polónia • Duration: S
  • University of Szczecin • Polónia • Duration: S
  • Transilvania University of Brasov • Roménia • Duration: S
  • Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceava • Roménia • Duration: S
  • West University of Timisoara • Roménia • Duration: S
  • Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Akdeniz University • Turquia • Duration: A
  • Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • University of Batman • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Bilecik Seyh Edebali University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Erzincan University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Hasan Kalyoncu University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Igdir University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Kastamonu University • Turquia • Duration: A
  • Karatay University • Turquia • Duration: A
  • Dumlupinar University • Turquia • Duration: A
  • Kaunas University of Technology • Lituânia • Duration: S • Get Agreement
  • Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku • Polónia • Duration: A • Get Agreement
  • Lubelska Akademia WSEI • Polónia • Duration: S • Get Agreement
  • Firat University • Turquia • Duration: S • Get Agreement
  • Université Savoie Mont Blanc • França • Duration: S • Get Agreement

Departamento de Gestão e Economia

Estrada do Sineiro, s/n
6200-209 Covilhã
275 329 164

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Sónia Cristina Almeida Neves
 [Ficheiro Local]
Mobility coordinator
Diogo André Santos Pereira


Scientific Committee
Sónia Cristina Almeida Neves
Zélia Maria da Silva Serrasqueiro Teiixeira
António Manuel Cardoso Marques
João Carlos Correia Leitão
Victor Manuel Ferreira Moutinho
Tiago Jorge Lopes Afonso
Luís Miguel Soares Santos Marques

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
Sónia Cristina Almeida Neves
Year Coordinators
António Manuel Cardoso Marques (1st)
Sónia Cristina Almeida Neves(2nd)
Year Representatives
Tatiana Luís Gaspar (1st)
Pedro Manuel Gonçalves Cruz (2nd)

Recognition Committee
Sónia Cristina Almeida Neves
Diogo André Santos Pereira
António Manuel Cardoso Marques
Tiago Jorge Lopes Afonso
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2014-08-07

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