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 1st Cycle Degree     Departamento de Engenharia Eletromecânica [Portuguese]

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Study plan   Bioengineering


Rótulo Texto
DGES code
CNAEF classification 524 | Decree no. 256/2005 [PT]
Mode of study Daytime
ECTS 180
Other information Statistics [PT]

National Access Competition  

Label Texto
Admission Requirements

One of the following:
02 Biology and Geology
19 Mathematics A
07 Physics and Chemistry
19 Mathematics A

Vacancies 25 (2024)
Minimum Grades (0-200) Entrance examinations: 95
Application: 100
Lowest Admission Grade 121.5 (1.ª fase)
Calculation of the Access Grade Secondary education average grade: 65%
Entrance examinations: 35%


Label Texto
Profile of the programme - To give a solid formation, specialized and updated in Bioengineering, preparing students to technical and scientific tasks in this area and related ones;
- Transmit autonomic capabilities to students, encouraging their critical spirit and creativity, making easier their integration in an employment context, both National and International;
- To offer a broad range of possibilities in terms of specialization, enabling the integration of students em different activity areas;
- Prepare human resources with inter-disciplinary advanced formation em various scientific areas, in order to be able to plan and develop with success any professional or research project in the Bioengineering or related areas.
- Offer a solid formation in terms of knowledge in Bioengineering areas, in order to enable students to go beyond their studies, either in 2nd cycle studies or other advanced type of studies.
Key learning outcomes
- Conception of new medical equipments, for monitoring diagnosis and therapeutics.
- Specification and maintaining of biomedical equipments
- Specification of equipments for specific applications in the medical procedures area.
- Development of software to process and analyze data in clinical environments
- Analysis of new medical procedures that result of scientific advances in the technological and medical areas.
- Participation in medical procedures and in the scientific research, together with professionals of other scientific areas.
- Conception and implementation of of supporting live devices, for helping people with disabilities.
- Analysis and development of artificial organs and prothesis.
- Diagnosis and interpretation of bioelectric signals, by using signal processing techniques.
- Ability to process and analysis of clinical data in computational systems.
- Development of simulation systems, for biologic and physiologic systems purposes.
- Scientific research in technologic areas related to health sciences.
Occupational profiles of graduates - Industry (pharmaceutical and medical eq.), Hospitals, Universities and Services.
- Design of systems and products (eg artificial limbs and organs).
- Design of machines for medical diagnosis.
- Installation, maintenance and technical support for biomedical equipment.
- Consulting (safety, efficiency and audit of biomedical equipment).
- Training health professionals in the proper use of equipment.
- Interdisciplinary research on the engineering of biological systems.
- Technological Entrepreneurship.
Learning facilities Students have available the following infrastructures

- Central library (with 200 computer work places, open from 9 to 23 hours)
- Informatics center
- Labs:
- 2 different rooms with30 PCs
- Logics/Digital systems room
- Room for the development of research projects.
- Lab. for multimedia supported classes
- Chemistry / Phycics labs.

- Networks and telecommunications
- Access to digital libraries (IEEE Explore, Springer, Elsevier)
- Internet access (email, remote sessions, file transfer)
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]

Departamento de Engenharia Eletromecânica

Calçada Fonte do Lameiro
6201-001 Covilhã
275 242 055

Course Coordinator(s)

Não tem Fotografia:
Course Director
José Álvaro Nunes Pombo
Não tem Fotografia:
Mobility coordinator
José Álvaro Nunes Pombo


Scientific Committee
José António Menezes Felippe de Souza
Ana Maria Matos Ramos
Bruno Jorge Ferreira Ribeiro
Maria do Rosário Alves Calado
Paulo André Pais Fazendeiro
Pedro Miguel de Figueiredo Dinis Oliveira Gaspar
Sandra da Costa Henriques Soares

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
José António Menezes Felippe de Souza
Year Coordinators
Ana Maria Matos Ramos (1st)
Maria do Rosário Calado (2nd)
Pedro Miguel de Figueiredo Dinis Oliveira Gaspar (3rd)
Year Representatives
Raquel Ferreira(1st)
José António da Silva Mendes (2nd)
Mafalda Proença (3rd)

Recognition Committee
José António Menezes Felippe de Souza
Bruno Jorge Ferreira Ribeiro
Maria do Rosário Alves Calado
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2015-07-18

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