Profile of the programme
The general objectives of the cycle of studies are: (a) to prepare the student for taking on research activities in a theme of the area of engineering and industrial management; (b) to carry out original investigation work which will contribute to broaden the state-of-the-art in a particular domain, part of which might be published in peer-reviewed national and/or international scientific journals and conferences.
Key learning outcomes
The doctoral degree in Industrial Engineering and Management is granted by University of Beira Interior to students demonstrating to have acquired the following competencies: a) Capacity for systematic understanding in the area of Industrial Engineering and Management. b) Competencies, skills and research methods associated with the area of Industrial Engineering and Management. c) Capacity to conceive, design, adapt and carry out scientific research in accordance with the requirements imposed by quality and academic integrity standards. d) Have carried out significant original research work that has contributed to broaden the state-of-the-art in a particular domain, part of which has been published in peer-reviewed national and/or international scientific journals and conferences. e) Being able to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise new and complex ideas. f) Being able to communicate with their peers, the rest of the academic community and society in general in this area. g) Being able to promote technological, social or cultural progress in an academic or professional context, in a knowledge-based society. By the end of the course, the student will be able to carry out, autonomously, theoretical, experimental or numerical research, on a topic related to Industrial Engineering and Management.
Occupational profiles of graduates
Holders of a PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and Management can have academic positions in higher education institutions as professors and researchers, in Portugal and abroad, work in laboratories and R&D institutions and/or work in the industry and services sectors, particularly in business management and production management. |
Learning facilities
The 3rd cycle course in Industrial Engineering and Management has the following laboratories and teaching resources: Automation and Robotics Lab; Electrotechnics Lab; Energy and Thermal Machinery Lab; Instrumentation and Measurement Lab; Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Systems Lab; Fluid Mechanics, Turbomachinery and Hydrodynamics Lab; Mechanics of Materials Lab; Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Lab; Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Laboratory; Electromechatronical Systems Research Lab; Manufacturing Lab; Design and CAD Lab.
In addition, UBI also has general use infrastructures, namely: - Central Library; - Databases of scientific journals and conferences papers for read/access and download; - Informatics Centre; - University Social Services. |