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  4. Vibrations and Noise

Vibrations and Noise

Code 10375
Year 3
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Aeronautics and Astronautics
Entry requirements Notions and methods of Calculus, Algebra, Differential Equations and Applied Mechanics.
Mode of delivery Face to face.
Work placements There is no work placement.
Learning outcomes The student must acquire basic knowledge about the vibration phenomena occurring at components and engineering systems as to be able to analyze physical and mathematical models representative of different vibration problems. In parallel, a short introduction to the study of noise is undertaken aiming at understanding the physic principles of sound propagation and its implications in engineering systems.
Syllabus 1. Introduction to Analytical Dynamics. Historical overview and contextualization. Review of fundamental physical concepts. Types of dynamical loadings. System discretization and degrees of freedom. Elements of a vibratory system.
2. Equations of motion. D’Alembert’s principle. Virtual work principle. Newtonian versus energetic approach.
3. Analysis of vibratory systems. Systems with one degree of freedom. Free vibrations. Forced vibrations.
Resonance. Beating. Introduction to the analysis of systems with N degrees of freedom. Balancing of rotating components. Vibration suppression techniques in components and structures. Practical cases in aerospace applications.
4. Introduction to noise. Characteristics and properties of sound. Noise measuring techniques. Noise suppression techniques.
Main Bibliography • Hartog, J.P.; “Mechanical Vibrations”; Dover Publications; 1985.
• Meirovitch, L.; “Elements of Vibration Analysis”; MacGraw Hill, 1986.
• Rao, S.; “Mechanical Vibrations”; Addison-Wesley; 1990.
• Maia, N. “Introdução à Dinâmica Analítica”; IST Press; Lisboa; 2000.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-15

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