Main Bibliography |
BUESCU, Helena, João Ferreira Duarte e Manuel Gusmão (org.), "Floresta Encantada: Novos Caminhos da Literatura Comparada", Lisboa, D. Quixote, 2001. CHEVREL, Yves, "La littérature comparée", Paris, PUF, 1989. CLERC, Jeanne-Marie, "Littérature et cinéma", Paris, Nathan, 1993. GOMBRICH, Ernst Hans, "The Story of Art", London, Phaidon, 2006. HAUSER, Arnold, "História Social da Arte e da Literatura", tr. de Álvaro Cabral, São Paulo, Martins Fontes. KAISER, Gerhard R., "Introdução à Literatura Comparada", tr. de Teresa Alegre, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1989. PEÑA-ARDID, Carmen, "Literatura y cine", Madrid, Cátedra, 1984. ROMERO LÓPEZ, Dolores, "Orientaciones en literatura comparada", Madrid, Arco/Libros, 1988. STAM, Robert e RAENGO, Alessandra (orgs.), "Literature and Film: A guide to the theory and practice of film adaptation", Malden, Blackwell, 2008. TORRES, Mário Jorge (org.), "ACT 17: não vi o livro, mas li o filme", Vila Nova de Famalicão, Húmus, 2008.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
This curricular unit involves 15 collective sessions, of a theoretical-practical nature, of two hours each. In these theoretical-practical classes, interactivity is fundamental: throughout these sessions, the knowledge intended to be transmitted will be presented, as well as the ability to problematize certain concepts. It will also be studied how comparative literature has been dedicated to the study of literary relations between Portugal and Spain. In this strategic line of developing the critical capacity on the part of students, it will be encouraged the presentation of small oral papers, as well as the presentation of the final work of research, which will be done orally and also in written form.