Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
There are no entry requirements
Learning outcomes |
Application of optometric techniques of clinical situations in the real context, namely, at the Clinical and Experimental Center in Sight Science and UBIMedical, where students must demonstrate knowledge and apply and develop communication skills and practical skills. To develop critical thinking and skills in the decision-making process of optometric situations of the different conditions in non-strabismic visual dysfunctions.
Syllabus |
Knowledge and practical / clinical skills should be demonstrated in specific situations, such as: (1) know how to make decisions about the prescription of refraction and optometric management appropriate based on the refractive and binocular state (2) knowing how to evaluate binocular status using objective and subjective tests, (3) knowing how to evaluate adult patients with heterophoria, (4) how to handle specific instrumentation in the ocular examination and to understand the implications of the results in terms of subsequent examination techniques, (5) know how to evaluate and interpret pupillary reflexes.
Main Bibliography |
- Clifford WB (2003). Essentials of Ophthalmic Lens Finishing (2nd ed), Butterworth, Heinemann/Elsevier. - Jalie, M (2008). Ophthalmic lenses and dispensing (3rd ed), Edinburgh: Butterworth Heinemann/Elsevier; - Rosenfield M, Logan N (2009). Optometry: Science, Techniques and Clinical Management, Butterworth-Heinemann Elsevier; - Scheiman MM, Wick B (2014). Clinical management of binocular vision: heterophoric, accommodative and eye movement disorders (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. - Elliott D (2007). Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care, Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 3rd edition.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Since the main objective of the UC is the application of optometric techniques in real clinical conditions, the central elements in the evaluation process are the execution time and the presence or absence of errors that compromise the final result. All the skills to be acquired are divided into 7 groups of tests.
Assessment procedures include (1) formative and summative assessments through multiple choice or short answer exams; (2) formal assessment of competencies in clinical matters, either by a series of continuous assessment tests or by a final practical test, and (3) final assessment of the accredited registry.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.