Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Biomedical Sciences
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
OBJECTIVES AND COMPETENCIES OF THE CURRICULAR UNIT The main objectives of the Curricular Unit (CU) of General Pathology in the 1st Cycle of Optometry and Vision Sciences are: (1) That the student can acquire fundamental knowledge about general human pathology and general systemic disease; (2) That the student can analyze how various diseases can affect the visual system.
The skills that the student must acquire in the General Pathology UC are: (1) Know how to describe and apply anatomical, physiological and pathological concepts; (2) Know how to identify the most common general pathologies that influence each of the structures of the visual system; (3) Know how to explain how each pathology can influence the visual system; (4) Know how to relate between different general pathologies and their influence on the visual system, through the application of anatomical, physiological and pathophysiological concepts.
Syllabus |
I. PROGRAM CONTENT The program contents of the General Pathology UC include the following themes, always seeking to relate aspects of the pathologies covered and the consequences at the ocular level:
1. General concepts of pathology, health and disease. 2. Inflammation, repair and tumors. 3. Immune system, infections and immunodeficiencies. 4. Blood and hematological diseases. 5. Cardiovascular system and diseases. 6. Respiratory system and diseases. 7. System and kidney diseases. 8. Endocrine systems and diseases. 9. Gastrointestinal and liver systems and diseases. 10. Osteoarticular system, rheumatic diseases and vasculitis. 11. Nervous system and neurological diseases. 12. Toxics and metabolic changes
Main Bibliography |
1) Sérgio JS, Coutinho I, Marques S. “Fundamentos de Patologia para Técnicos de Saúde” (2ª Edição; 2008); Lusociência; ISBN: 9789728383282
2)Shein DM, Druckenbrod RC (2020) Clinical Medicine for Optometrists, Wolters Kluwer ISBN-13: 978-1975146511
3) Jack J. Kanski and Dafydd J. Thomas Auth. The Eye in Systemic Disease 2 ed..pdf
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Teaching methodologies: seminars; analysis of clinical cases; interactive classes; flipped classroom
Assessment criteria: The final classification of the teaching-learning period (CEA) is based on the following formula:
Rating criteria: The final classification of the teaching-learning period (CEA) is based on the following formula:
Final grade (CEA) = Theoretical Assessment (TA) x 0.8 + Continuous Assessment (AP=participation in classes x 0.5 + API=presentation of clinical cases x 0.5) x 0.2
In the case of student workers: Final grade (CEA) = Theoretical Assessment (AT) x 0.8 + API x 0.2
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.