Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
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Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Not applicable.
Mode of delivery |
Work placements |
Not applicable.
Learning outcomes |
This UC aims to provide an introduction to the study of Health Psychology, promoting the acquisition of knowledge about the contributions of psychological research to health promotion, and the understanding of factors associated with individual and family adaptation to the disease.
At the end of the UC, the student should be able to: - Characterize the scientific domain of health psychology; - Understand the main constructs and explain the theoretical models underlying the relationship between health and disease; - Explain the biomedical and biopsychosocial model; - Identify the main processes and psychosocial factors involved in preventing and experiencing the disease; - Describe basic intervention methodologies within the scope of different issues in health psychology (e.g. stress, chronic illness). - Analyze and synthesize scientific literature in the field of health psychology.
Syllabus |
1. Introduction and delimitation of concepts Health Psychology. The Biopsychosocial Model. 2. Psychosocial factors in health and illness Illness as a crisis factor. The meanings of health/illness. Emotions throughout the disease process. Mourning over the loss of health. Stress and Coping. 3. Understanding and intervention in health behaviors. Therapeutic adherence: the dialectical model of assessment and promotion of adherence. The Locus of Control Theory, the Theory of Thoughtful Action and Planned Behavior, the Health Belief Model, and the Health Action Model. Therapeutic communication as a contribution to improving the quality of care, appropriate to the client's developmental stage. Deal with the pain. Dealing with the disease.
Main Bibliography |
Core Bibliography Sarafino, E. & Smith, T. W. (2011). Health Psychology: Biopsychological Interactions (7ªed). John Wiley & Sons.
General Bibliography Albuquerque, E. & Cabral, A. S. (2015). Psico-oncologia: Temas fundamentais. Lidel. Ayers, S. & Visser, R. (2021). Psychology for medicine & healthcare (3rd ed.). SAGE. Joyce-Moniz, L. & Barros, L. (2005). Psicologia da Doença para Cuidados de Saúde – Desenvolvimento e Intervenção. Edições Asa. Kaptein, A. & Weinman, J. (2004). Health Psychology. BPS and Blackwell Publishing. Leal, I. & Pais-Ribeiro, J. L. (2021). Manual de Psicologia da Saúde. Pactor. Lima, M. L., Bernardes, S. F. & Marques, S. (2014). Psicologia Social da Saúde. Edições Sílabo. Ogden, J. (2019). Health Psychology (6th). McGraw Hill. Sequeira, C. (2016). Comunicação clínica e relação de ajuda. LIDEL.
Other resources Society for health psychology
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Teaching methodologies include classes with an exposition of theoretical content, systematization of content in group work, classroom activities and research activities, and analysis and synthesis of empirical literature. Assessment Strategies: Knowledge assessment test and elaboration of work with the application of knowledge to a practical case of an activity of health promotion with peers.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.