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Code 12773
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Art and Design
Entry requirements .
Mode of delivery Presential.
Learning outcomes 1. Define the object and purpose of Geometry and Technical Drawing, which substantiates the recognition of the concepts and foundations of projective geometry.
2. Provide skills to export mechanisms between different operating systems projective, as appropriate, simultaneous and interrelated.
3. Analyze geometric shapes underlying the visual reality to improve the ability of spatial perception.
4. Application of theoretical and practical knowledge arising from the curriculum, knowledge of the rules involved in the Technical Draw Systems and Geometric Representation, and knowledge of construction processes of technical forms of representation.
5. Appropriate use, simultaneous and interrelated of different Projective systems of strict geometric representation as a basis of knowledge and understanding of the shapes of objects, of their mutual interrelation.
Syllabus 1. REPRESENTATION SYSTEMS - Introduction to Technical Drawing; - Introduction to different representation systems; - Orthogonal representation of three-dimensional composite shapes.
2. INTRODUCTION TO PROJETIVE GEOMETRY - Three-dimensional geometry of simple and superimposed solids; - Representation of the European and American Method; - Orthogonal projections of objects/shapes; - Axonometric representation systems of objects/shapes.
3. PERSPECTIVE - The central projection, concepts and systems; - The positioning of the observer before the space; - The influence of light on the reading of the space; - Perspectives with one, two or three vanishing points.
Main Bibliography ABAJO, F. Javier Rodriguez de. (1981). Geometria Descriptiva, Vol I - Sistema Diedrico, Vol III – Sistema Axonométrico, Vol V – Sistema de Pryeccion Central. Guipzcoa: Ed. Donostiarra.

CUNHA, Luís Veiga da. (1991). Desenho Técnico. 8ª Ed. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

CHING, Francis D. K. e JUROSZEK, Steven P.. (2001). Representação Gráfica para Desenho e Projecto. Trad. Editorial Gustavo Gilli, S A, Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gilli.

COMAR, Philippe. (1992). La perspective en jeu. Gallimard.

GILL, Robert W.. (2008). Desenho de Perspectiva. Trad. Editorial Presença. Lisboa Editorial Presença.

MORAIS, Simões. (2007). Desenho Técnico Básico 3. 23ª Ed.. Lisboa: Porto Editora.

SILVA, Arlindo; Carlos Tavares Ribeiro, João Dias, Luís Sousa. (2004). Desenho Técnico Moderno, 6ª Ed.. , Lisboa e Porto: Lidel.

WHITE, Gwen. (2000). Perspectiva para artistas, arquitectos e desenhadores. Trad. Editoral Presença. 4.ª ed.. Lisboa: Editoral Presença.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The teaching of the syllabus will embody two complementary aspects: one of a theoretical type and the other of a practical type. The work to be carried out includes elements of a theoretical nature and elements of a practical nature, which cover the portfolio of practical exercises carried out in the context of face-to-face classes. The overall assessment of the knowledge and skills demonstrated, as well as the objectives achieved, is measured by:
Attendance (20%) + Practice work (40%) + Test (40%) = 100%
Approved with 75% of attendance, 100% test and 75% of practice work, and minimum evaluation of 10.
Admitted to exam with a minimum final grade of 8.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-17

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